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doransignal t1_iyve1ak wrote

Good luck penndot blows even when they are wrong they are right.


ScienceWasLove t1_iyve7x7 wrote

Goto a large PennDOT center if possible, with physical copies of all the paperwork. Slow is the govt beast.


cpr4life8 t1_iyve87l wrote

Sorry for the issues you are dealing with. I am of the mindset that if I have made an effort to do stuff like this as you have and nothing is happening...then I will take my ass down there in person. So if you can go in person that would be my recommendation.

Hope you get it resolved!


Lurky_Murky_Rainbow t1_iyveigm wrote

Reach out to your local state representatives office and see if they can help. Explain your situation and events, sometimes they can help facilitate a faster response from the DMV. Good luck.


FreidasBoss t1_iyvesbh wrote

Call your State Rep and Senator. PennDOT has dedicated staff that handle requests that come through legislative offices. If you don’t know who that is, you can look it up here.


CrazyOkie t1_iyvf9bw wrote

1000% this. People don't seem to realize this, but this is actually one of the biggest roles these reps can play in your life. They're usually quite eager and willing to help, and when they call PennDOT they don't get put on hold.


insecurestaircase t1_iyvg68e wrote

Can you physically go to headquarters and hand it to them?


Pa17325 t1_iyvh6r7 wrote

Go to PennDot HQ in Harrisburg with copies of your paperwork, essentially waste your entire day and don't leave until the issue is resolved.


defusted t1_iyvhe48 wrote

Reach out to your state rep. I would also just start driving again. Keep a copy of everything you have in your glove box. If you get pulled over just explain the reason why your license is suspended and show the officer your papers. If you still have to go to court that'll put you in front of someone who can help get the situation resolved.


Idatrvlr t1_iyvikpw wrote

PennDot is horrible. We are in the middle of an insurance mess. We got a quote but kept our insurance while waiting to get the quote in the mail. Never did we cancel our insurance but the other company sent a letter and here we are. I've sent in a dozen responses and now we have gotten an attorney who has sent in letters. Next step is seeing a judge to get him to sign off that we have proof so we can be done with this mess. Then the other company sends their policy that we never agreed to to collections. Its a nightmare they won't help with. I hope you get help soon.


LowNo5584 t1_iyviqds wrote

No! Driving while suspended, rightfully or wrongfully suspended, is the worst thing you can do. The officer won't care about the reasons, they'll still issue the citation AND arrest you on the spot. Reach out to your reps for Harrisburg, sure. BUT DONT DRIVE ILLEGALLY!


sunshinecat6669 t1_iyvj61u wrote

If you’re able to, it’ll probably be easier if you go to the DMV in person. If you’re close enough, I’d suggest going to the big one in Harrisburg. Just make sure it’s a day you don’t have anything else going on.


SBRH33 t1_iyvp4f9 wrote

If you live in philly go to the Penndot center on south 70th street.

They are supremely well staffed to help with this. Bring ALL of your documents.

Or visit yer local state representatives office. They can fix this as well. But not as fast as DMV OFFICE.