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ParfaitMajestic5339 t1_iyzz0lk wrote

Have you considered the reverse commute angle? If you want carless living, center city is the way to go, and then hop the train to work. Your office complex is adjacent to a train, no? Otherwise, you're going to get very familiar with the uber drivers of greater Lansdale. Lansdale and vicinity are not built for carless living, and trying it will probably be really frustrating. Even getting lunch during the workday is likely going to require getting into a car.


Castor_and_Pollux123 t1_iz0gfhm wrote

> If you want carless living, center city is the way to go,

You mean living in Philadelphia, right? Problem with the is the Philadelphia Wage Tax. This tax is imposed on anyone living or working in Philadelphia.

"The Earnings Tax is a tax on salaries, wages, commissions, and other compensation paid to a person who works or lives in Philadelphia.

You must pay the Earnings Tax if you are a:

-Philadelphia resident with taxable income who doesn’t have the City Wage Tax withheld from your paycheck.

-A non-resident who works in Philadelphia and doesn’t have the City Wage Tax withheld from your paycheck."


ParfaitMajestic5339 t1_iz0hgix wrote

If OP is coming from NYC, she will still be floored by how cheap the taxes in PA are, _even with_ the Philly Wage Tax... consider it a service fee for not having to keep a car, since that is basically what it is. Dumb to pay if you're going to have a car... but provides better options if you don't.