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MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iz6ujo8 wrote

I’ve seen this movie before when cops are DUI here in PA. The cop will get ARD, and he’ll be “fired” and then reinstated by an “arbitrator” with back pay. There will essentially be no consequences.


fallowcentury t1_iz6vlyy wrote

and there's always getting hired by small towns to look forward to. our chief got canned by PA for racism and I guess we got a good deal.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iz6yslh wrote


ScienceWasLove t1_iz7c8i3 wrote

Everyone loves unions until they see what unions do.

If you are drunk on the job, as a teacher, you will not get fired - you will get suspensed and sent to rehab.

Why? Because alcoholism is a disease. Why should it be different for any other class of union members?


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_iz7qfzp wrote

The simple answer is, cops wield tremendous, immediately life-changing or ending power over people in a way that no other profession does. Sure, alcoholism is a disease, and being a police officer who’s an alcoholic is dangerous to the public at large, the alcoholic cop, and also to public perceptions. I’d say a cop caught drunk on the job requires consequences, including but not limited to loss of employment as a cop for several years at least. Not just a slap on the wrist.


point_breeze69 t1_iz86cuq wrote

Consequences are greater for truck drivers, for good reason, they should be in this case too.


[deleted] t1_iz7exm2 wrote

Yea, damn unions for seeing us as human instead of as tools to be abused by megalithic corporations, damn them to hell.


mccirish t1_iz7rql6 wrote

That is absolutely not true about a teacher not being fired. I know teachers who have been fired and they were union members.


ScienceWasLove t1_iz7s67a wrote

If you are in a treatment program for alcoholism through the employee assistance program, their are hoops the district must jump through before firing a teacher that has been suspended with pay for drinking. At least in my state.


IamSauerKraut t1_iz81vzv wrote

Not hoops. Due process. But the District need not pay the salary while waiting the couple of weeks for the due process to work its way to the logical conclusion. That is how it is in PA, which is what this subreddit is.


IamSauerKraut t1_iz81okc wrote


A teacher who is drunk on the job will be escorted off campus right then and there. Unless they do a due process challenge to their removal, or resign, unpaid leave is what they face pending school board approval of their firing.


Lint6 t1_iz8ixhi wrote

> Why should it be different for any other class of union members?

Because if a teacher is drunk on the job, they don't have the risk of shooting and killing someone