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AbsentEmpire t1_j2eqdjs wrote

The cops suck, but that doesn't change the fact the under Krasner the DAO became a dysfunctional mess that stopped going after illegal weapons arrests, and continues to fuck up court cases by being repeatedly unprepared for them, resulting in violent offenders being released back on to the street where they go on to kill innocent people.

Philly gun arrests are on a record pace, but convictions drop under DA Krasner

More than 70 lawyers hired by Philly DA Larry Krasner have left. Some say the office is in disarray.

Suspect Was Released on Reduced Bail 2 Weeks Before Temple Grad's Murder


DavidLieberMintz t1_j2fmgsi wrote

From the article you linked:

>....more cases being tossed out by judges because witnesses didn’t show up in court.

So if the cops don't show up to court, how can the DA not drop the case? The police are trying to make the DA look bad instead do doing the actual fucking jobs. Bootlickers like you can't even read the articles you link, you just assume it proves your incorrect viewpoint.