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eamd59 t1_j1wlvrr wrote

I have been caryring a switchblade on my bike travels for 3 years along with bear spray in case someone has the balls to try and rob me. Finally legal


Wuz314159 t1_j1x7h23 wrote

I just am poor. Nothing to steal. Saves so much trouble.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j1xcww1 wrote

You think the person robbing you knows or cares? People have been killed over the change in their pocket in the past.


Wuz314159 t1_j1xdni6 wrote

I live in Reading. Everyone knows I don't have jack-shit to steal.


Weary_Ad7119 t1_j1yiuzl wrote

About 80 per 300k or .00002% of the population are considered to been the victim of violent robberies.

Folks really got to stop ingesting shitty news without context. You do you, but this dude is optimizing for a really low occurrence crime.


Excelius t1_j1zj6f4 wrote

> About 80 per 300k or .00002% of the population are considered to been the victim of violent robberies.

Might want to double check your math. You forgot to multiply by 100 to get the percentage. That's .02%.

Not sure where you got your data from but it's likely that your stat is an annual rate, if so over a lifetime the cumulative risk would be nearing 1%.


IrrumaboMalum t1_j1ys3c4 wrote

You going to roll the dice when it comes to your safety or the safety of your loved ones?


Weary_Ad7119 t1_j1yv5tq wrote

More like not worry about. Yes, 100%


IrrumaboMalum t1_j21xy7n wrote

That is on you. Hopefully it works out.

I'll continue proactively taking measures to protect myself and my family while you gamble on not taking measures to protect yourself and your family.


Fine-Blacksmith-9330 t1_j1wt9jq wrote

I just carry a glock


NoWarrantShutUp t1_j1z5twd wrote

I am not a fan guns but have been considering. Never held a gun in my life though. And no before anybody asks I don’t want your guns taken away.


Next-Conversation-16 t1_j1xatio wrote

Get a Sig


defusted t1_j1wnmor wrote

I just carry a Kershaw, they've always been legal


RevolutionaryEar1789 t1_j1ydrr0 wrote

Obviously its your choice and your right to defend yourself but why not buy a gun? The reality of having a knife fight is way uglier than shooting someone


AtBat3 t1_j1x7ni8 wrote

Not gonna lie I didn’t know it was illegal until know and I was doing the same thing


NoWarrantShutUp t1_j1z5in4 wrote

Oh man you have BEAR SPRAY?! Holy fuck dude, you’d paint that entire would be robber in that. That shit blows my mind.. friend had to use it in Yellowstone. Scariest shit of my life.


BigBlackCrocs t1_j1y5x5u wrote

yaknow a gun is legal too.


Grimm2785 t1_j1yzg0l wrote

The funny thing is that there are situations where you could legally walk around with a AR strapped to your back but couldn't carry a pocket knife. Philly I believe for example bans all knives from being carried unless your actively using it for work. While firearm laws are uniform across the entire state (even if certain cities like to act like that's not the case), knife owners unfortunately don't have that same protection.


MaybeADumbass t1_j1z3cv0 wrote

>While firearm laws are uniform across the entire state...

They are uniform except in Philadelphia, which has its own process to obtain a LTCF and where open carry is only legal if you have a license.


Grimm2785 t1_j1z3ozq wrote

Yeah except Philadelphia has no right to have their own process. Thats actually against the law and has been challenged more then once. As for the open carry issue, that's because they are a city of the first class. All that means is that they hit a certain population number. It's not because Philadelphia decided to make it that you needed a license for open carry.


mjh215 t1_j1yddiu wrote

This was the work of Doug Ritter (and his lobbyist) over at so if you appreciate it, consider making a donation. They also have a big raffle each year to fund these efforts.