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eternalrefuge86 t1_j1yin9k wrote

Because some people who live in the 1920’s believe that this and other harm reduction methods are “enabling.” As an addict in recovery this infuriated me. This isn’t going to stop people from using at all. It’s just going to increase deaths.

I hope when reduction organizations ignore this law and pass them out anyway.


thelazykitchenwitch t1_j1ynura wrote

I work in a MAT treatment center, and while I can't directly give them to my patients until January 2023, I can leave them on a table for them. I also tell them about where they can get free narcan, fentanyl test strips and condoms.


eternalrefuge86 t1_j20cfd3 wrote

Good. Thank you for what you do. I’m in MAT currently and it’s been a godsend. I take my Suboxone I’m the morning and go about my day as any normal person would. It has given me my life back. And people somehow want to fight that. Blows my mind.


thelazykitchenwitch t1_j23nmsl wrote

I think that you are an amazing person! You wake up and make a choice every day, and you choose to take your life back. I could go on for hours about how our society treats the issue of addiction and shames everyone who doesn't fall into their cookie cutter definition of what they think k sobriety is, but I won't. You are amazing and strong and MAT is sober!