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Dredly t1_j1k9p6e wrote

do you think it was an email targeted just to you? or are there a ton of people out there wearing shorts and tank tops in their 80 degree homes right now that they were trying to target, people who using a metric shitton of electric while some people conserve?


fryerandice t1_j1kfen7 wrote

I crank my heat way up before any winter storm, I generally keep my house at 63 and use a space heater in the room I am in, but before a storm like we had the past 2 days, I target 75.

If we lose power, the increased temperature inside my house allows me more time to do the tasks I need to do to protect my property and ensure my families comfort and safety.

Every winter I stock about 15 gallons of gasoline and 15 of kerosene, sterilize my 10 gallon food safe buckets for storing water, and dust off the "oh shit no power" checklist for storing water from the pipes and draining the house pipes etc. I have done one pennsylvania winter weekend in mid january without power or heat for 4 days, i'm not rawdogging it ever again, because sitting in the car to get warm for a little bit every day and not moving from a sleeping bag fucking sucked.


AFD_0 t1_j1kl2pg wrote

This. After spending an entire week without electricity or any heat in freezing cold weather a few years ago, we finally got a generator and now crank the heat up a bit right before a winter storm hits.

I'm not at all about "wasting energy", but I'm also not about letting my family and pets freeze while huddled over a boiling pot of water for our only source of heat (which is dangerous).


BirdBarista t1_j1kshmv wrote

I remember being without power during an ice storm for three days in my apartment in Chester County. Most miserable and cold experience of my life. My roommate had a pet bearded dragon and coincidentally worked at PetSmart at the time, and they got permission to keep their lizard at the store for the entire power outage because the poor thing needed its heat lamp to survive.


fryerandice t1_j1kyt5b wrote

Blanketing off a room and using a kerosene heater puts in work, they're cheap to buy and cheap to run. They can run on diesel as well if you can't find kerosene, although diesel costs more due to road taxes (especially in PA).

Downside is the smell and the soot that gets on everything, but if you really need the heat source, 10/10. They'll heat up a modest living room to the point you turn them off in 2 hours.

I use mine in the garage in the winter when i need to work on cars, I fire it up, eat breakfast, and by the time i get the car jacked up I am in a t-shirt and shorts with the garage door cracked open to cool it off.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j1kc066 wrote

Right? The PUC has asked everyone to conserve, aka avoid doing laundry or using other high energy appliances unless you have to and to turn your heat down lower than you normally do, health permitting. Same thing in the summer (except setting ac to a higher temperature than normal) to prevent blackouts during this extreme weather.


BeltfedOne OP t1_j1kd979 wrote

Fuck the PUC. They do not serve the consumers.


BeltfedOne OP t1_j1kd2l2 wrote

Did I say that? No, I didn't. And "those people" who probably drive electric cars and vigorously oppose any new generation facilities. Electricity has to be generated before it comes out of the wall.


Dredly t1_j1kdsyn wrote

you did... you specifically said what you were doing and then were outraged that YOU would be asked to conserve power...


BeltfedOne OP t1_j1ke6vx wrote

Please show me where I used the word outraged.


Dredly t1_j1kh31a wrote

>And I get an email from First Energy saying if I don't conserve electricity there may be managed blackouts. WTF?

does "WHAT THE FUCK" not count as outraged anymore? sure seems like outrage to me...


BeltfedOne OP t1_j1ki2x4 wrote

Well, you are apparently projecting. Goodnight and happy holidays.


witqueen t1_j1kgzcb wrote

Got the same email from Peco tonight. Still power outages and asking to conserve electricity.