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CharacterBrief9121 t1_j1kekvc wrote


B-Eze t1_j1kf5zk wrote

Oh ok, wasn't sure if it was one of those scammer companies. I received this email after seeing this post:

As our communities continue to experience frigid weather, PJM, the regional grid operator that includes PECO, has asked for consumers across its 13 states and DC to look for ways to safely conserve electricity until 10 a.m. tomorrow. If your health permits, please consider reducing the use of your electricity until 10 a.m. tomorrow. Conserving electricity as much as possible will help ensure adequate power supplies. Here are a few ways you can pitch in this holiday weekend:

Set your thermostat a few degrees lower, if its safe to do so

Postpone doing laundry or running dishwasher

Turn off lights and appliances when you don't need to use them


CharacterBrief9121 t1_j1kfcc6 wrote

Yeah that kind of thing is understandable the problem I have with first energy is the power is out every fucking month and I don’t get credits for when the power is out I might as well use the shit when I can


TheUltimateSalesman t1_j1l1j0h wrote

You need to file a complaint with the licensing authority in your state. That's all they listen to.


B-Eze t1_j1kfrtt wrote

Ouch that stinks, might as well.