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BoopBoop20 t1_j242p87 wrote

Guy-get a life. Seriously. Being an anonymous asshole online doesn’t suite you. Go outside, breathe the fresh air, say hello to another human that’s not behind a computer screen. I guarantee your life will be a bit better without all the negativity surrounding it.

Also, why do you give two shits what I’m doing here in PA while you’re in DE? Makes no sense. Buh bye now.


stahleo t1_j24g76t wrote

>Guy-get a life. Seriously. Being an anonymous asshole online doesn’t suite you.

You project stupidity. My literal name is in my handle, so no, I am not the "anonymous asshole" hiding behind the computer screen, Mr. "BoopBoop20" who admits to deceiving their neighbor for his own political gain.

>Go outside, breathe the fresh air, say hello to another human that’s not behind a computer screen. I guarantee your life will be a bit better without all the negativity surrounding it.

You're bragging about deceiving your neighbor because you don't like what's on THEIR PROPERTY. You literally couldn't withhold your own emotions for a selfish reason. Talk about negativity surrounding your life. I couldn't even fathom trying to dictate what is on someone else's property, whether I support it or not.

>Also, why do you give two shits what I’m doing here in PA while you’re in DE? Makes no sense. Buh bye now.

This point is my favorite.

I don't care about you, but I do care about the assholes that live in my beautiful state of Pennsylvania. If, by chance, you knew even one thing about our state, you would know the 5th LARGEST COUNTY is DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA and, what a shocker, everyone who has flair is per THEIR COUNTY.

Does that make sense, or is your brain still marinating in a toilet?


BoopBoop20 t1_j24i1kx wrote

Yikes, I stopped reading after the first sentence. Sorry you went thru the whole trouble of writing something I will never read.

Buh bye now


stahleo t1_j24ixui wrote

Yep, you sure made a fool of yourself. Glad you stopped while you're behind. Be better.


BoopBoop20 t1_j24xy5d wrote

Actually, I’ve come to find that when a person writes that long of a response, they only want one thing-to be right.

That’s where you and I differ-I don’t care. Have a great day. I hope you win more online arguments 👍🏻


stahleo t1_j24yrzn wrote

You read every word of it, but I don't care. You bragged online about committing a juvenile act in the name of political righteousness. Enjoy your day and I hope you find internal restraint with your political beliefs.

P.S. - Nice flair ;)


BoopBoop20 t1_j255zwj wrote

Thanks! A redditor reached out and let me know where to access it and how to change it! Funny how some people can be nice and not jaded in this sub..right?


stahleo t1_j257mgt wrote

I also think it's embarassing being on Reddit for a decade and unsure of how to change flair, or that Delaware implied a state on this sub, but glad someone helped. However, I wouldn't expect remorse after bragging about deceiving your fellow neighbors, though. As you say, that's not "nice."


BoopBoop20 t1_j25a4g6 wrote

Like I said before.. you’re still just looking for that win.

Here ya go buddy, a participation medal 🏅 you did great, don’t let anyone tell you differently

Edit: I do understand that you need to go into someone’s profile to see the info you’re spouting about. I guess I really did get under yer skin there cowboy!


stahleo t1_j25dghw wrote

>Like I said before.. you’re still just looking for that win.

Win what? Have you seriously never been criticized before for your actions? This is the real world.

>Here ya go buddy, a participation medal 🏅 you did great, don’t let anyone tell you differently

Those are for liberals. I'm sure you have plenty.

>Edit: I do understand that you need to go into someone’s profile to see the info you’re spouting about. I guess I really did get under yer skin there cowboy!

At this point, you've dug such a deep hole that I'm willing to see how far you're willing to go. Leave you neighbors alone, bigot.


BoopBoop20 t1_j25ed8n wrote

Annnddddd there’s the unnecessary name calling.

Blocked and reported.