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Shift-Subject t1_izss3u0 wrote

Think he would if I said I had a females penis and he's a bigot if he doesn't?


cashonlyplz t1_izuiiij wrote

Why are you so obsessed with genitalia?


Shift-Subject t1_j0buzl5 wrote

Like gun grabbers every time they make a reference?


cashonlyplz t1_j0cdrdh wrote

Huh? i am confused by that response.

Do you think I am anti-gun because I am in favor of civil liberties? Owning a gun is one of those liberties.

I don't believe in the 2nd Amendment nonsense you all freak out about. No one has ever come for my gun.

I am more concerned with my right to not have my medical care access forbidden over religious "woke" moral panics about queers?

A transphobe would be wise to not come knocking at my door. Go shoot up a power substation or something lol


Shift-Subject t1_j0cea1a wrote

Then you should understand the obsession with genitalia of gun grabbers.

Folks in favor of transgenderism as a treatment for gender dysphoria are biophobic.


cashonlyplz t1_j0cevdo wrote

Your choice of language is telling.

You think sexuality and/or orientation is an ideology, and not something determined, and that science actually backs. That is just ignorant.

I don't fear people who merely want to live their lives in peace. You do. You live with irrational fears. I want the best for my fellow queers. Biophobic? That isn't a word.

You probably think drag queens are trans people. That's also ignorant. Drag queens are (predominantly) gay men.


Shift-Subject t1_j0cgbzp wrote

Attempting to force acceptance and recognition for a subjective feeling is not trying to live in peace. It's declaring war on objectivity, and by your language I can see that you replace objectivity with subjectivity which is paradoxical and necessarily makes what is "true" definable by whoever holds the higher amount of power.

That's not a future you'll like, my friend.


cashonlyplz t1_j0cxhmd wrote

You don't have to accept us. You do have to leave us alone, though.


Shift-Subject t1_j0cxop5 wrote

Likewise. Meaning stop pushing the shit on children. Nobody is preventing adults from doing what they want. There's a shit ton of people trying to change the way pronouns work, though 🤔