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pedantic_comments t1_izo0l9r wrote

> “The committee had also agreed to a contract in 2021 worth more than $250,000 with a little-known limited liability company, Envoy Sage, to examine that data if and when it came, and also to investigate tips of fraud and third-party election interference.

>It isn’t clear whether the company ever performed any work. A phone number for Envoy Sage was perpetually busy, and the company didn’t respond to an email. Votebeat and SpotlightPA have requested records from the Pennsylvania Treasury showing how much the company was actually paid, but have not yet received them.”

Republicans are using lies about election integrity to funnel hundreds of thousands to a private company that can’t be contacted. Has any “conservative” seen those commandments and the one about stealing?


EarthRester t1_izo1mca wrote

I would love to see who runs this company, and their connection to the RNC.


pedantic_comments t1_izo3ep8 wrote

I’m surprised no reporters have broken a story like this, but I think you need someone to do legwork in Iowa. Here’s the registration info for the company:

The address looks like the personal home of their tax preparer, or attorney, etc. I’d wager it’s buried by three layers of LLCs and then owned by someone voting to “investigate” elections.


ell0bo t1_izo46nh wrote

Wonder if there's a way to get msnbc or CNN to look into this. Hell, even the inquirer, but have seen hard hitting from them in a while


pedantic_comments t1_izo5fno wrote

The Inquirer is on it and the redacted contract was released - quarter million bucks to review 700 emails and 100 affidavits. Republicans won’t cooperate to fight corruption because they are complicit. You can’t make the public care and you can’t investigate without being accused of being partisan.


TheTwoOneFive t1_izpk23i wrote

We need to stop the bullshit of being accused of being partisan, it's something done to make sure that this type of thing doesn't see the light of day and it's going to be made no matter what. The investigative reporters need to just fucking investigate and see what comes out of it.


IamSauerKraut t1_izq2p1o wrote

American Oversight has been doing a deep dive on the issue. They have things posted on their website if anyone is interested. Also, a court decision from last month or so was pretty direct re Sage, Wake and another of these fake "election integrity" companies.


51stStar t1_izof7jz wrote

People like that usually think any money the government has to spend was stolen from the people. They say this while accepting government contracts, driving on public roads, and assuming the fire department will extinguish any fire within minutes.


Open_Veins_8 OP t1_izny5na wrote

A motion to dismiss the Republicans’ subpoena for voter data represents the latest, and possibly the final, twist in a two-year audit attempt.


IamSauerKraut t1_izq34bf wrote

There are risk audits run after every election. What the GQP seeks are voter records. I'm guessing they intend to go after folks who did not vote for their preferred candidates. Screw those buttwipes.


Pacoescobar21 t1_izqp712 wrote

I'm pretty sure that's not the party "going after people" given the course of events over the past 2 years.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_izq4qto wrote

Stop the gqp from wasting more taxpayer dollars for senseless, embarrassing, political theater.


eMPereb t1_izqhfts wrote

Hold on… Hold on… And why aren’t the election experts the Uber Ninjas conducting a review, I mean they are “experts”


hashtagbob60 t1_izsiz8d wrote

GOP - a sad shadow of itself; they need to clean house and get rid of the far-right before the far-right gets rid of them.


tyrael459 t1_izujjd8 wrote

This was still for 2020?


Shift-Subject t1_izoj15e wrote

Nothing like transparency and maintaining public trust. We don't need that for a democracy to be legitimate. Matter of fact, public trust is a threat to democracy!


the0_o t1_izp4qpi wrote

>The committee had also agreed to a contract in 2021 worth more than $250,000 with a little-known limited liability company, Envoy Sage, to examine that data if and when it came, and also to investigate tips of fraud and third-party election interference. It isn’t clear whether the company ever performed any work. A phone number for Envoy Sage was perpetually busy, and the company didn’t respond to an email. Votebeat and SpotlightPA have requested records from the Pennsylvania Treasury showing how much the company was actually paid, but have not yet received them.


[deleted] t1_izpuxg7 wrote



Shift-Subject t1_izpwh8e wrote

The AG blocked suits at an audit several times. What do you mean proof?


[deleted] t1_izpwkxc wrote



Final_Candidate_7603 t1_izqidyg wrote

Oh holy shit! Thanks for giving me the idea to check that history… our guy started a sub with his username, and can’t even get any upvotes for re-posting insane trump posts. You just can’t make this stuff up!


Shift-Subject t1_izq3e8g wrote

Thank you, come again 😁


cashonlyplz t1_izsq77e wrote

He's not gonna blow you, dude.


Shift-Subject t1_izss3u0 wrote

Think he would if I said I had a females penis and he's a bigot if he doesn't?


cashonlyplz t1_izuiiij wrote

Why are you so obsessed with genitalia?


Shift-Subject t1_j0buzl5 wrote

Like gun grabbers every time they make a reference?


cashonlyplz t1_j0cdrdh wrote

Huh? i am confused by that response.

Do you think I am anti-gun because I am in favor of civil liberties? Owning a gun is one of those liberties.

I don't believe in the 2nd Amendment nonsense you all freak out about. No one has ever come for my gun.

I am more concerned with my right to not have my medical care access forbidden over religious "woke" moral panics about queers?

A transphobe would be wise to not come knocking at my door. Go shoot up a power substation or something lol


Shift-Subject t1_j0cea1a wrote

Then you should understand the obsession with genitalia of gun grabbers.

Folks in favor of transgenderism as a treatment for gender dysphoria are biophobic.


cashonlyplz t1_j0cevdo wrote

Your choice of language is telling.

You think sexuality and/or orientation is an ideology, and not something determined, and that science actually backs. That is just ignorant.

I don't fear people who merely want to live their lives in peace. You do. You live with irrational fears. I want the best for my fellow queers. Biophobic? That isn't a word.

You probably think drag queens are trans people. That's also ignorant. Drag queens are (predominantly) gay men.


Shift-Subject t1_j0cgbzp wrote

Attempting to force acceptance and recognition for a subjective feeling is not trying to live in peace. It's declaring war on objectivity, and by your language I can see that you replace objectivity with subjectivity which is paradoxical and necessarily makes what is "true" definable by whoever holds the higher amount of power.

That's not a future you'll like, my friend.


cashonlyplz t1_j0cxhmd wrote

You don't have to accept us. You do have to leave us alone, though.


Shift-Subject t1_j0cxop5 wrote

Likewise. Meaning stop pushing the shit on children. Nobody is preventing adults from doing what they want. There's a shit ton of people trying to change the way pronouns work, though 🤔


Final_Candidate_7603 t1_izqem5x wrote

… says the guy who put all of his trust in The Man With The Orange Face, social media, and a select few online “news” sources. If half of the folks like you chose to put your faith in the courts, the US Attorney General, the Justice Department, the head of Homeland Security (to name a few), the whole country would be in better shape. That’s the whole problem with dealing with people like you- you can’t reason with someone whose life goal is to be unreasonable, to ignore evidence-based facts, to refuse to accept reality, and to think that your opinion is the equivalent of knowledge- on every subject.


cashonlyplz t1_izsqd5h wrote

That's the opposite of what's happening here, though. Alas, up is down to you people.


choodudetoo t1_izpzj04 wrote

Oh Oh Oh Oh OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Can you give ME a QUARTER IF A MILLION DOLLARS TO INVESTIGATE MADE UP FRAUD???? I PROMISE TO KINK BACK $$ 50,000 to you. Would you like that lubed or not?