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fusionfarm t1_j1ycgrh wrote

People are already aware, do something else.


xxdropdeadlexi t1_j1yqowi wrote

Maybe raise awareness that it's impossible for anyone that isn't upper middle class to see a mental health professional.


nooonotthisagain t1_j1ye8ya wrote

What if she were to --- hear me out --- offer thoughts and prayers to those struggling with mental illness?


IThinkImDumb t1_j1yz770 wrote

Pennsylvania has one of the highest rates of opioid addiction. Especially being Miss Philadelphia before, I think she picked a great cause


tempestveil t1_j1yrty3 wrote

why does this have so many upvotes....


obavijest t1_j21qkif wrote

This entire comment section is bots...look at the style of writing in each poster's comment history