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[deleted] OP t1_j04smso wrote


feudalle t1_j04t4hh wrote

Ppa vehicles scan license plates as they drive. Being in a valid spot doesn't make a difference if you are on the street. For the boot it's am amount owed. Iirc $400 was the threshold. But if you don't pay you will rack up fees. Honestly not worth the headache.i just accepted it as a cost of living. My average tickets all together were 300-400 a month.


SunOutrageous6098 t1_j05mnvj wrote

It doesn’t matter if you live there or not - you were issued a ticket because you violated a city law while you were driving there. They ran your plate, they mailed you a ticket. Pay the fine, plea not guilty and go to court or ignore it and wait for a bigger bill when it goes to collections.

You know all the Philly mottos already- “you don’t like us, we don’t care” & “eff around & find out” are the two that are probably most applicable here.


Allemaengel t1_j07n0tb wrote

You've never watched the old-school Parking Wars TV show - Philly edition, have you?