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defusted t1_j1qxg8a wrote

Every time Republicans accuse Democrats of doing something illegal or wrong they're always the ones actually doing it.


artful_todger_502 t1_j1r6ta8 wrote

Every accusation is a confession.


RanchAndGreaseFlavor t1_j1rx18s wrote

I asked a 20-something guy who worked with me one day (who I knew was a trump supporter) “What happens when everyone is perceived to be irrevocably depraved?”

He didn’t answer. I guess he thought it was rhetorical. Nice kid. Lots of potential.

What happens is that within the group that believes this, actual depravity has a psychological free-pass to exceed that which is “learned” of through propaganda (the “news” they consume).

It is the ultimate rationalization tool & opens the doors to all manner of horror. I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.


SendAstronomy t1_j1ru1ba wrote

And then they use that as justification of what they are doing.


Hillbl3 t1_j1r8p2h wrote

"We're doing it, so we know you must being doing it too! How dare you!"


BasvoyD t1_j1rem40 wrote

Republicans are master of deflection until they get caught. That's the same as republicans not having child marriage laws in their state.


hvacthrowaway223 t1_j1tw38p wrote

Usually, but I looked a bit into this. The GOP has a solid argument. The dems are saying since they won a theoretical majority they should get to pick the speaker. But “parties” aren’t really a thing and the speaker is just whoever gets the majority of the votes of those present, regardless of party or theoretical majority. So if they really do have more people show up, and they vote, that’s the speaker. Of course that is only until the dems have enough votes to recite and change it, but this is a basic aspect of rules, not even something a judge should get involved with.


rah215 t1_j1spr9y wrote

The same is true about democrats, maybe even more so


mainelinerzzzzz t1_j1rx3tc wrote

You’re extremely confused or brainwashed if you think that both parties don’t participate in some sorts of shenanigans. Politicians are scumbags who will do almost anything to keep their power.


Diarygirl t1_j1s835n wrote

Yeah, but you voted for the guy who hasn't accepted he lost over two years ago.


wh0_RU t1_j1s4co2 wrote

It's truly just a power grab between the parties. The bigger the scale the more crooked they get to hold power. S'Why I'm registered as Independent and judge the person running for power before they spend my tax dollars recklessly

PS the US wouldn't be where it is today without the participation of both parties. The good bad and ugly


eternalrefuge86 t1_j1s6f7u wrote

I don’t know why you got downvoted for this as it is absolutely true. There are shenanigans and chicanery on both sides and to pretend otherwise is to be incredibly obtuse


mainelinerzzzzz t1_j1se69k wrote

Enjoy the downvotes for trying to speak truth to the hypnotized.


eternalrefuge86 t1_j1sf2nc wrote

I’ve got enough karma to make up for it 😉

As a side note, the liberal hivemind of Reddit cracks me up so much. Anyone tries to speak truth and here come the downvotes from weak minded people who can’t even have an honest conversation about this subject.


kormer t1_j1s3na1 wrote

The Democrats do not have a majority of living sworn-in members of the state house. They're going to lose this case and lose any moral high ground to complain about muh democracy.

I understand that the arguments about voter intention and who will actually be serving in government may be compelling and at odds, but this is all the Democrats doing.

They could have chosen not to run someone who was of an age where waking up dead any given night was not an absurd probability. They could have chosen other people to run for higher office who wouldn't need to vacate their house seat. They could have won more races.

But they didn't do these things, and that's why we are where we are today.


defusted t1_j1s8swp wrote

Guy I don't think you get the point. For every time the Democrats pull some fuckery, and they do, the Republicans have done it more and done it far worse. Democrats gerrymander, Republicans do it far more and get taken to court over clearly repressive drawn lines. Al Franklin makes a joke about grabbing a sleeping female soldier's breasts so he retires, trump literally brags about grabbing em by the pussy and Republicans go "hehe nice". Obama wasn't allowed to nominate a supreme court justice in his last term, Republicans lose their minds because we try to hold them to the same standard. But none of this matters because idiots like you are going to keep saying dumb shit like "wElL bOtH SiDeS dO iT" which is like saying the newby-McMahon building and Burj Khalifa are both skyscrapers.


kormer t1_j1saipj wrote

So Republicans have broken the rules worse, and that makes it ok for the Democrats to break the rule a little bit less?

Are you on drugs?


defusted t1_j1scsy8 wrote

Once again, completely missing the point. Boy you're stupid.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j1smvot wrote

Bro people literally voted for a dead guy instead of a Republican… if that doesn’t reflect poorly on the GOP then uh, idk what to tell you. From the voters’ perspective it’s perfectly rational to vote for a dead guy and wait for a special election than to not vote and let a Republican win.


kormer t1_j1t0l1b wrote

Great, but the dead guy still doesn't get to vote for a house leader.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j1t0wem wrote

Sure. But neither can the Republican. And apparently that mattered more to voters. The outcome we have best reflects the will of the voters given the circumstance, which is what we should want. If the voters prefer nobody - temporarily - over a Republican that’s their right. I see zero issue with the outcome. Obviously it would be most preferred if the guy didn’t die but you can’t control that.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j1rrudu wrote

The dems at the federal level just did what gop is trying to do here.

The dems lost the house and yet they just passed a spending bill that runs 2/3 of the next federal fiscal year. They should have waited but why, they had the power at the time to jam through a 1.7 trillion spending plan.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j1rwz0s wrote

Isn’t the budget supposed to be set before the fiscal year begins? This is a budget that was supposed to be done months ago.

Not saying it’s a great bill, but it is the outgoing congress’s job to set a budget that will last months into the next congress’s term.


RememberCitadel t1_j1ryh4f wrote

Correct, if the new year starts and the budget is not finalized all governemt shuts down and nobody gets paid. It has happened quite a few times in the last 10 years.

The last few times the GOP has actually held the whole country hostage by refusing to pass anything until they get a whole bunch of questionable spending attached. They are just pissed this time the shoe is on the other foot. Both parties do it to an extent, but the GOP is the party that throws a huge hissy fit about it.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j1rzhsn wrote

There hasn't been a budget passed in years. Budgets used to get debated on and passed before June. Now they just pass CRs (Continuing Resolutions) to allow the govt to continue to function. This was a CR not a budget.

Its the job of a President to put together a budget, given the current atmosphere in Washington a budget hasn't been passed since maybe Obama was president, its been that long.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j1sr1ak wrote

Okay... It's the job of the outgoing Congress to ensure the government will continue to function long enough to allow the new Congress to allocate funding for the government to continue to function.

Don't get me wrong, it disgusts me that we are basically only able to pass one or two pieces of meaningful legislation per year, which are just "too big to fail" bills with everyone's pet projects tacked on, but the incoming divided government isn't going to come together to pass a proper budget resolution in some bipartisan euphoria either.


defusted t1_j1rv9m5 wrote

You mean the bipartisan spending bill that had the huge hike in military spending that the Republicans wanted? You're an idiot.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j1rw0x6 wrote

bipartisan, sure.


defusted t1_j1s2sku wrote

Oh right, the Republicants couldn't sneak in more laws about protecting guns or pedophiles so I guess they couldn't have had anything to do with it.