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Prestigious-Buy1774 t1_j1rahv2 wrote

People with bad ass attitudes who are wannabe bullies need to grow the fuck up and take responsibility for their immature ways and stupid fucking decisions. YOU are the problem with this country right now. . YOU are the reason that we have this senile old jackass in the White House. YOU think because you throw out fucks you are tough. Anyone can do that. YOU want your own way, and don't care about other's rights, and have no cooperative attitude with the ability to compromise. YOU and the kiddies and toddlers like you have no place in any way shape or form in running this government. YOU and the those with YOUR kind of juvenile behavior have no respect for the USA. Our government was founded on compromise by all kinds opinions. YOU are obviously not capable of this. YOU need to keep your mouth shut and go back into your bedroom and play some more video games. YOU are not capable of handling real life situations. YOU need to get the fuck out of here! YOU , mental incompetent, need to shut the fuck up until you GROW UP, and throw that ballot away because YOU treat it as junk mail. Maybe , and if, you ever learn to appreciate the founding father 's intentions, should you have the right to vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


polgara_buttercup t1_j1rctz7 wrote

Intent of a Founding Father was to have a democracy that changed with the times, not stayed stagnant in the past.

“I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and Constitutions. But laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.” Thomas Jefferson


drewbaccaAWD t1_j1ryp64 wrote

>YOU are the reason that we have this senile old jackass in the White House.

ahhh there it is, showing us your true colors now. Yes, yes... the problem is all those people with "bad ass attitudes" which you clearly don't have... sure, Jan.

ps. if you want people to read your hateful rants, learn to use paragraph breaks while you are using voice-to-text... no one is reading past the first line or two in a giant wall of text.


andrewcubbie t1_j1rvj54 wrote

This dudes account history. Oh baby


Zenith2017 t1_j1uqs1b wrote

It hurts me inside when I see deeply conservative gay men. Talk about self hatred


john_oldcastle t1_j1rwznf wrote

haha what a dufus
no one cares about your dumb disordered politics, you simpleton


eviljelloman t1_j1rugj0 wrote

“Senile old jackass”. Look in the mirror, boomer.


Zenith2017 t1_j1uqu2y wrote

I don't Know What you are Talking About . /s


yeags86 t1_j1shq35 wrote

So only white male landowners can vote.

And you wonder why “WE” voted how “WE” did. You’ve lost no rights, just the same your perceived right to discriminate as you see fit and have power over the people you disagree with.

I’d say get fucked, but you probably haven’t in a decade and are miserable about it.