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IndependentCode8743 t1_j07l0ck wrote

"Mr. Toomey declined an interview request through his staff, but a top Republican aide on the Banking Committee said the veteran lawmaker objected to the legislation being tucked into the National Defense Authorization Act — a must-pass bill — without any hearings."

I'm never a fan of when they tuck shit like this in bills that have to be passed, so I find myself in the odd position of agreeing with Toomey on this one (assuming what is quoted from the article is true).


cpr4life8 OP t1_j07l70c wrote

Except he's a fucking hypocrite because he's done this himself. He's not making some Grand gesture here he's being a fucking hypocrite because he doesn't want this to go through.


IndependentCode8743 t1_j08s224 wrote

I don't care which side does it, I hate it. These bills should stand on their own.


cpr4life8 OP t1_j08shot wrote

Well keep wishing on a fucking star while the rest of us live in reality and realize this is how it works and it's never going to change so it's fine to call somebody out for being a fucking hypocrite for stating his reason for objecting to something is completely invalid because it's something that he has done countless times himself.