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Attainted OP t1_j09h20e wrote

Thanks for the input. Looking at the other reply to your comment I'm guessing I'm probably just boned.


Dredly t1_j09pr4w wrote

I'm assuming you'll be sitting in traffic for hours, maybe wait til Sat


Attainted OP t1_j0a4fao wrote

Assuming no accidents, I'm more than happy to sit in traffic than stay where I've been the last couple months lol. Though, haven't completely ruled it out for safety. More likely to just call the day early ahead of icy roads after I've already started the trip.


IamSauerKraut t1_j0a8hwu wrote

From Winchester, take 522 up to I-70 to I-76 west to 99 north to 322 west to I-80 west to 153 to 219 all the way to Buffalo. Or, 81 to 15 to 147 to I-180 to 15 to I-86 to I-390 to 36 north to 20A west to 400 north to I-90 north to I-190 right into Buffalo.


Google maps made easy.


newworldman1070 t1_j0bfb33 wrote

153 is a terrible road when it snows, especially for someone who isn’t accustomed to driving on twisty mountain roads.