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jillianpikora OP t1_j0cohfv wrote

I'm a reporter covering crime in Pennsylvania, it's my job. Not "obsessed" and I hate that these things happen. I work hard to track down the court docs. and police statements, conduct interviews etc. I also leave out some of the most disgusting details, not just in this case, but in all the crimes I cover, as people can use it as "inspiration" or to further harm victims. The things, some people can and will do are repulsive. I do my best to share these stories with the public so you can be aware of what's happening in our state, can protect yourselves, and speak out to make changes as you all see fit.


Mor_Tearach t1_j0ds310 wrote

Wow sorry you posted a story we should all BE AWARE OF and got jumped!

Pedophile in our area was finally nailed, red flags all the heck all over the place. Guy's KID finally had to turn him in- worse, he was a medical ' professional ', company he worked for became hostile to his ex- patients probably bc they were worried about getting sued.

The more you report, the more we're aware. Has to be done.


steeelez t1_j0eby0z wrote

As someone whose life was deeply impacted by serious investigative reporting, thank you


pocketbookashtray t1_j0d42jj wrote

So you’ve chosen a career of muck raking. Interesting life decision.


ForbodingWinds t1_j0dkluv wrote

Ah, so no one should report when something bad happens and just pretend everything is peachy keen? That's reasonable.


aboutsider t1_j0h7u4f wrote

And, you've chosen a vocation of trolling. Interesting life decision.


Agent-Pierce- t1_j0cxu35 wrote


Lol more like sadist with a depravity fetish. You should stop using reddit. We dont need the crime drama karma fishing.back to fakebook with this exploitation of suffering


CarbonGod t1_j0cz189 wrote

Gezzuz you even know HOW to google? Learn it for once, and stop being a soapbox conspiracy whiner.


browneyedgirlpie t1_j0d1840 wrote

Are you that much of an idiot that you can't see she wrote the article she posted? Yes, yes you are.


steelceasar t1_j0cz73k wrote

No one is making you read these posts. Maybe just skip them?


steeelez t1_j0ecwty wrote

And who the fuck are you? What are you even trying to achieve here? If you don’t want to receive information, don’t consume it from an information sharing platform. The rest of us are here because we want to find out what happened, even if it’s upsetting. And thank god there’s people out there, trying to find out, and making sure other people know. If you’re lucky enough that that doesn’t matter to you then I salute you, please be grateful for your lack of concern, but don’t then concern yourself with the activity of people who do need to know what’s going on. That’s a sickness in and of itself.


whereyouatdesmondo t1_j0eje6w wrote

All these posts of yours are enabling everyone here to meet another creepy weirdo. Keep it up.