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bitterbeerfaces t1_j0d2xpn wrote

He is only 26 and the step father to a 15 year old? That's some fuzzy math. How old is his wife, 40?


Equivalent_Wing_6450 t1_j0dky4t wrote

not uncommon for predators like these to purposefully get into relationships with single parents of kids in their age range. way too common actually


-TheFarce- t1_j0dpb9j wrote

> not uncommon for predators like these to purposefully get into relationships with single parents of kids in their age range.

Seriously. He was likely more interested in the 9 and 11 year old, considering what he said to the undercover.


James0nJuiceb0x t1_j0dqfee wrote

> That's some fuzzy math.

Does it matte how "fuzzy" it is for non-biological kids?

Dude is clearly a creep and predator. Wouldn't be wrong to assume he specifically targeted a vulnerable single mom with kids in his age range.


Patiod t1_j0dkyx7 wrote

It's Pennsyltucky; his partner probably had kids at 15


Mor_Tearach t1_j0dr770 wrote

Side issue, it's very very odd and a little scary. Around where I live there's this THING where teen mothers just aren't discouraged, amazing number of 30 something grandmothers psyched as hell their daughter is pregnant. You understand absolutely supporting your kid if it becomes necessary, this is way different. We're very rural, kids either leave or stay here and have babies.

Another reason to have ditched FB 10 years ago.


MartialBob t1_j0eaib1 wrote

I've seen it happen. When I was 24 I was hanging out with a bunch of old highschool friends at our local bar and one of them brought his girlfriend. She was in her 40's. Then they started making out at the table. It was weird.