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MetaGoldenfist t1_j0ghe6g wrote

Yes because historically “cis” white men have been the only ones to hold leadership positions. Just bc she’s using terminology that you don’t like doesn’t mean what she’s saying doesn’t hold any weight. Stop turning people who are just trying to have their voices as equally heard as the men who have traditionally held power in this country, into boogeymen. It’s not that serious. Didn’t realize this sub was so reactionary right wing.


yeahimsadsowut t1_j0ghyjp wrote

Isn’t teaching an overwhelmingly female profession? By your and her logic, shouldn’t we be seeking out ciswhite men for these positions, especially because boys are struggling in educational settings?


MetaGoldenfist t1_j0ginxj wrote

Just bc teachers are mostly female doesn’t mean that school boards historically have been mostly female. Again- historically, leadership and decision making positions have been held by white men. Period. Stop bullying women/trans women and others who are just trying to have equal decision making power.


[deleted] t1_j0gzqzy wrote



MetaGoldenfist t1_j0h55y5 wrote

No- a Trans Woman is a Trans Woman. Period. You don’t get to tell other people what to do with their own bodies and who they are.


NickyDL t1_j0plljz wrote

So when I put Ferrari badges & body panels on my Corvette, it now becomes a Ferrari?


[deleted] t1_j0gjkiu wrote



MetaGoldenfist t1_j0gn3nz wrote

Um first of all it’s “Trans People”- and they deserve to be treated as human beings just like everyone else. Second of all you’re saying that just because they’re a minority they don’t deserve any representation? Last I checked this is a representative democracy and this person was democratically elected to this position. You do realize that what you’re saying is Fascist? The Conservative Party has literally been over run with bigots and fascists and your living proof of that. Please examine your position and do better.


key2mydisaster t1_j0gphov wrote

Boys are struggling because they have poor role models at home.

Half the population is female, so if a position that has nothing to do with teaching and everything to do with a bullshit school board always has a male in the highest position over the women that have higher education degrees to teach... then it's an issue.

That being said, she was wrong. Which is why she stepped down from her position.


WearySeaTurtle t1_j0hb3h1 wrote

The the issue I have is, Individuals should be voting for the best one... not, oi can't vote for them since they are cis white male.


MetaGoldenfist t1_j0hcchz wrote

No one is doing that! People vote for people to represent them. This person was democratically elected and she was merely trying to say that she would rather see a woman, a Trans woman, a Black or Brown person as the head of the school board- bc historically white Men have held these positions. I agree she could have worded herself better but white men aren’t being discriminated against just because women, Black and Brown People, Trans and Gay people are asking for and getting more representation. White men are not “victims” because of this.

Historically, white men have been the only decision makers in our government therefore everyone who wasn’t a white male (which is the majority of the actual population) wasn’t being represented and furthermore were also actually being discriminated against. Anyone who’s not a white man who’s being democratically elected to a decision making position is there because that’s what the people want- they want to be represented this way. Period. Just bc you may not like it or bc it’s not about you doesn’t all of a sudden erase hundreds of years of history and make white men the victim here. Learn to step back a bit and let other people who may be different than you, and who also live in this country and contribute greatly to it, have their voices heard JFC.


WearySeaTurtle t1_j0hg1yj wrote

I follow and understand. What I'm for. Person jusy really seemed to shoot self in foot with how they worded their thoughts.


shadowstar36 t1_j0ijaje wrote

Those years aren't about now. Who was in charge in 1892 has no bearing to today. You don't punish people for "sins of the father". Or guilt by association. Those are very racist world view concepts. Just like San fransicsco only giving money to poor black people excluding white, Asian, Latino people. That homeless white guy on the street suffering from mental illness or some disability is just as need as the black guy, yet San Francisco only gives its universal income aid to the non white person, why they elected racists. We have this going on right now in San Fran., look it up. I hope it gets struck down in courts as unconstitutional.

Why is one person in more need then the other. Why leave one homeless when both can be helped. Choosing one over the other will a. Breed resentment and b. may lead to violence if it's kept up, c. Cause political instability, d. Is downright racist and wrong.

I actually see people on here that don't want wealth restrictions on who gets aid, only race. So LeBron James gets aid a multi millionaire but some Asian, white, Latino poor folk get jack.

You can't punish current day people for things done by generations past.


MetaGoldenfist t1_j0ipo5z wrote

Wtf are you taking about? Actual real people who are Americans are voting: women, Black and Brown Americans, recent immigrants that work hard and make our economy run and Native peoples who’s ancestors have always lived here, Trans and LGBTQ people who have always existed here (all of whom have literally been economically and socially oppressed since the founding of our country) wanting and getting representation, being democratically elected is not you “getting punished” just bc you’re a white heterosexual male.

You’re entire mentality is flawed. Actual Americans, who are citizens and just as American as you and deserve representation just like you, getting representation in government positions doesn’t take anything away from you at all and you are not the victim here. Stop flipping the narrative to center yourself. The whole point is for EVERYONE who lives here to have equal representation.

This is a democracy and if the people elect diverse candidates that actually reflect the diversity of our country then that’s what the people want. Just bc you don’t like it doesn’t mean you have to turn yourself into some sort of victim or like you’re getting punished. Just let marginalized people have more of a voice, that’s it. That’s what this person was trying to say (I agree she could have worded it better) and that’s what many of us are trying to say.

Furthermore, most elected positions are still overwhelmingly white males (look at our congress and state legislatures), there’s no insurrection against you and you’re not getting punished for being a white male-it’s just that more people are getting elected to represent actual Americans who are not white males (there are many people here who aren’t white males- in fact the majority of our population are not). Again- this is how an actual democracy works.


capnjeanlucpicard t1_j0kcj4v wrote

You are not wrong with your assessment. The issue here is that this person is advocating to exclude someone based on their sex and race … the entire thing that you’re fighting against. Being inclusive is meant to put everyone at an equal playing field.

At the moment we are wrestling with two different definitions of inclusivity: one that legitimately strives to treat everyone equally, and one that is “anti-white male”. I’m not saying that isn’t just, I do believe the pendulum needs to swing in the opposite direction before it settles at a balance, as threatening as that may be. But I also believe this sort of hypocritical rhetoric needs to be called out, and these discussions need to happen.