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burghcoder t1_j0gtazs wrote

I honestly don't think it is stupidity. It is more likely ignorance or apathy. Most people that I have talked to about this simply either didn't know it was required or didn't care.


Finrodsrod t1_j0h0sux wrote

This. Take the most basic bitch you know and realize that there are a butt-ton of people dumber, more ignorant, and more completely oblivious to others out there.


Jeffy3 t1_j0h548s wrote

I swear less people use turn signals than ever before but maybe I am just being hyperaware now.


Finrodsrod t1_j0hdp8r wrote

I drive a BMW - paid extra for turn signals!


amishengineer t1_j0jj6d6 wrote

They use them as they are about to turn the wheel if at all.

Meanwhile people are waiting at an intersection to make a left and could have gone if you had signaled your right turn ahead of time..


Hillbl3 t1_j0h8p5u wrote

I cAn SeE jUsT FiNe WiThOuT tHeM!


buddykat t1_j0hhbmv wrote

My FIL has said this. Have to remind him that OTHER DRIVERS CAN'T SEE YOU!!!