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Rod___father t1_j0gn38v wrote

Just drove behind a car this morning that had no rear lights on at all. It was 4 am and pouring rain.


BurghPuppies t1_j0hd5uc wrote

I have to admit, it took me several years to realize that DRLs don’t activate your taillights. So once more for the people in the back:

It’s just as important to BE seen as to see. Turn on your headlights in rain, fog, snow, and darkness. Thank you.


NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hn75p wrote

Should you even be driving if you don’t know how to operate your vehicle?


BurghPuppies t1_j0j0vd8 wrote

I know how to operate my vehicle, thanks. This was decades ago when DRLs first came out in the US. And unless you get out to check, how would you know if your taillights are on or not?


[deleted] OP t1_j0hwb6r wrote



NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hwgzb wrote

Knowing how a transmission functions and knowing the functions of your vehicle are completely different things, you inbred twat waffle.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hws1t wrote



NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hxuoa wrote

If you don’t know how to turn the fucking lights on on your car, you shouldn’t be driving. I don’t know what kind of dumb ass point you’re trying to make but I’m done with it.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hyata wrote



NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hyq8u wrote

> Not …=/= not

Tripple negative? What are you even try to say?


[deleted] OP t1_j0hza15 wrote



NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hzejr wrote

The take of, if you don’t know how to operate your car you shouldn’t be driving? That’s really a shit take? Wow.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hzp9w wrote



steelceasar t1_j0i1h9q wrote

Just as a heads up you come off as just barely literate in this exchange.


NoThisAintAThrowaway t1_j0hzwny wrote

Not knowing what DRL do, when your car has DRL is the textbook definition of not knowing how to operate your vehicle.


HahaWeee t1_j0gnhkh wrote

Saw a dude driving last night in a black car literally no lights on

It was like 6pm so dark and rainy freaking dumbass


Frankjc3rd t1_j0gvbm3 wrote

That is the downside of well lit streets. People can see but they don't realize they don't have their headlights on.👤💡


buddykat t1_j0gy40a wrote

They forget (or don't know) that having their headlights on isn't necessarily so they can see, it's so other people can see them!


No_Marionberry4370 t1_j0gzzjm wrote

I pulled put of a gas station and got stopped 1 block away because the cop saw me without headlights. But i realized that I see this mtiple times a day in my town.


EchoWhiskey1 t1_j0i4pkg wrote

Happened to me once, 30 years ago. In my defense, I had driven for an hour at night, came into town and did not notice I lost my lights until leaving town. Still 30 minute from home after midnight. After checking, I lost all electrical in the car. Alternator died and I drained the battery. Once the car was off, it was off. Luckily I stopped at a gas station with a payphone. Got a pickup and went back next day. Jumped the car drove it to a friend's auto garage to get a rebuilt alternator.

After that, I normally consider lights out at night an oops or an emergency. But some are just pricks.


SendAstronomy t1_j0iduzq wrote

I've definitely made it to the end of my block without headlights in my old car with the white backplate gauges. When I went out of streetlight coverage I suddenly realized I couldn't see shit.

My current car has dark gauges that need to be lit in order to see anything, so I can't make that mistake again.


mittenedkittens t1_j0hakka wrote

I was commuting home from work on 676 in Philly yesterday. I merged into what appeared to be a clear right lane only to realize a few moments later that it was not, in fact, clear, as an asshole who I practically merged into turned their lights on to flash their high beams at me. Real nice of them.


amishengineer t1_j0jifrk wrote

Almost got t-boned ~two weeks ago because I was about to pull out from a stop sign and there was a car with no lights on at dusk. Every other car had their lights on so my eyes were trained to see headlights..


AnnVealEgg t1_j0gohe0 wrote

This is one of my biggest driving pet peeves


Blexcr0id t1_j0hcj3v wrote

Yesterday I saw several late model vehicles with wipers on and no lights. Don't you have to deliberately turn your lights off on most modern vehicles?


IntoTheMirror t1_j0hs08m wrote

Yesterday in the late morning it was too bright to trip my ‘20 Nissan’s auto headlamps. So I had to turn them on manually. Not sure why all modern cars don’t automatically hit the lights when you hit the wipers.


happyxpenguin t1_j0hu3ni wrote

Think it depends on the car manufacturer. My 2020 Edge is set to Automatic lights and it turns the headlights on when the wipers are on.


dogmomdrinkstea t1_j0hxeor wrote

My husband has a 2020 Hyundai and you still have to turn the headlights on manually.

Total pet peeve of mine, too. Wipers on = headlights on, that's PA law.


amishengineer t1_j0ji6rv wrote

It's muscle memory for me... I'd say 95% of the time. When I pull down with my right hand to start the wipers, my left hard twists two clicks for the headlights.


BaconComposter t1_j0kl893 wrote

Every time I park valet or take my car to the mechanic, they turn them to full off. Usually I’m good at remembering, but every time it’s off, it’s one of those reasons.


Mijbr090490 t1_j0goll9 wrote

DRLs are the dumbest invention. Every car should have auto headlights. Mine are set to auto and my headlights are on anytime the vehicle is on.


PennDOTStillSucks t1_j0h1h3z wrote

Mine is set to auto as well but they only turn on when the car registers that it's dark enough. So I often have to turn them on manually when it's raining during the day.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j0h4lma wrote

This is what I do but my car is pretty good about detecting the light. They don't automatically switch when the wipers are on though, so I usually have to switch them to "on" during rain unless it's particularly dark.


PennDOTStillSucks t1_j0i7aob wrote

Yeah that's the one I never understood. As a non-car-mechanic-person it always felt stupid that turning on the wipers doesn't also trigger the lights.


dbe7 t1_j0he56n wrote

This is the same for my car. Unless it's blackout-cloudy, if it's daytime, they won't just turn on.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gowtd wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0gzxby wrote

I highly doubt that. There’s no point in having DRLs tied to a switch. They’re DAYTIME running lights. The DRLs are just dimmed versions of headlights (and without the taillights) in most cars. If your headlight switch is in auto, the DRLs should be on until it gets dark, then the headlights (maybe the same lights as the DRLs) and taillights will come on after dark. Next time your switch is in auto, the car is running, and it’s dark out, check to see if your taillights are on.


heili t1_j0h5esg wrote

This guy does not understand even the most basic thing about how a car works.


nowordsleft t1_j0h5nsy wrote

No kidding.


heili t1_j0h65cd wrote

I even showed him an instructional video for the Jeep showing how to use the auto headlights and he still insists that it won't also turn the taillights on.


terwoo t1_j0h216w wrote

My car has off, auto, parking lights, headlights, drls. Auto runs the drls during the day and headlights at night or when the wipers are on. Off shuts off the drls and everything else. drls just runs the drls, so you could run them at night if you wanted to, but it is strange that you can even turn them on or off manually.


[deleted] OP t1_j0h2453 wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0h2xpn wrote

What kind of car do you have?


[deleted] OP t1_j0h3ikn wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0h43i8 wrote

Here is a link to a pdf of the owners manual for your car. Page 213 describes the operation of the lights. If you put the switch in auto the taillights will come on. If they don't in your vehicle, then you should get it serviced because there is a problem.


[deleted] OP t1_j0haeq2 wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0hb395 wrote

There is a light sensor on your dashboard. When it gets dark enough, because it's dusk, or your drive into a tunnel, or there's a solar eclipse, it will automatically turn on the headlights (and taillights), if the switch is set to auto. When you drive out of the tunnel or the eclipse is over, the lights will turn off. Do you have a lot of stuff piled on the dashboard of your car? Maybe you have an electrical problem. When you checked the taillights, did you have the parking brake engaged?

Often times, when it rains, it's also dark enough to trigger the automatic headlights. But not always. Some cars turn on the headlights (and tailights) when the wipers are on, if the switch is set to auto. Yours may not.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hbkp6 wrote



ho_merjpimpson t1_j0h7zwg wrote

we had a similar year rav 4 and sold it. i have a handful of toyotas and they are all the same. your rav 4 has an auto mode where when it gets dark the headlights turn on and your taillights turn on.

if it doesnt work on yours, something is broken.

to test it... if you turn the lights to auto, you should be able to start the car, and toss a rag over the sensor on the dash. few seconds later the lights will all come on.

in fact thats how i turn the lights on when it is rainy during the day. i use my sunglass cleaning rag to block out the sensor. that way i dont have to worry about turning the lights off when i get home.


[deleted] OP t1_j0h8jfx wrote



ho_merjpimpson t1_j0hak9w wrote

correct. very few cars also have the feature that turns headlights/taillights on when you turn the wipers on.

no vehicle has an auto mode that turns on just your headlights. full stop. it doesnt exist. that would be insanely dangerous. if thats what is happening in your car your tail lights are burnt out.

you also can not turn off your DRLs. there is no suuch thing as "auto drl". you either have them, or you dont.

on some toyotas the drls are the parking lights. thats how my tundra is. instead of a dimmer than normal headlight, its a brighter than normal parking light.


Mijbr090490 t1_j0h0kj7 wrote

That's odd. Usually DRLs run off a photo eye.

Both my 4runners and our f350 have the auto setting and it keeps the headlights on all time. They shut off when the vehicle is locked. Our f350 shuts the lights off when you put it in park during the day.


mcvoid1 t1_j0gu28s wrote

I don't get daytime running lights. Why not be on by default, regular beams and tail lights both? So if you forget, at least you're safe.


snuffy_tentpeg t1_j0gmick wrote

"If my dashboard lights are on, my headlights must be on...Right?"


Joe_Jeep t1_j0grd60 wrote

-The blacked out pickup behind Me at night in the rain

Did the ol lights on and off 2 or 3 times with no reaction from him what so ever too


Suspicious_Ad6172 t1_j0gmdvq wrote

Certain technology is good but a lot of today’s technology make people stupid


Jeffy3 t1_j0h504q wrote

I agree with this. I blame this technology for why I encounter so many people on the roads with either no headlights or no taillights. They have no idea.


burghcoder t1_j0gtazs wrote

I honestly don't think it is stupidity. It is more likely ignorance or apathy. Most people that I have talked to about this simply either didn't know it was required or didn't care.


Finrodsrod t1_j0h0sux wrote

This. Take the most basic bitch you know and realize that there are a butt-ton of people dumber, more ignorant, and more completely oblivious to others out there.


Jeffy3 t1_j0h548s wrote

I swear less people use turn signals than ever before but maybe I am just being hyperaware now.


Finrodsrod t1_j0hdp8r wrote

I drive a BMW - paid extra for turn signals!


amishengineer t1_j0jj6d6 wrote

They use them as they are about to turn the wheel if at all.

Meanwhile people are waiting at an intersection to make a left and could have gone if you had signaled your right turn ahead of time..


Hillbl3 t1_j0h8p5u wrote

I cAn SeE jUsT FiNe WiThOuT tHeM!


buddykat t1_j0hhbmv wrote

My FIL has said this. Have to remind him that OTHER DRIVERS CAN'T SEE YOU!!!


TacoNomad t1_j0gms79 wrote

There's no reason not to just always turn your lights on


Bond_Enjoyer t1_j0h787u wrote

Just turn your headlights on every time you drive. Same goes for a seat belt. I've done it this way for 20 years. It just works.


drewbaccaAWD t1_j0jntfu wrote

This is what I do as well.. pretty much ensures I never accidentally leave them on because it's just my habit.

Only real down side to running them when you don't need them is they will burn out faster... which is less of an issue as more and more cars move to LED lights. Of course some of the Halogen lights will last for years even if you run them anytime you drive but my lights are awful so I have to buy the brighter ones that only last a year or so and for that reason tend to use my daytime running lights more frequently or use my high beams during the daylight hours to conserve my lowbeams.


heili t1_j0gtuvx wrote

"But I can see just fine."

That is irrelevant. The lights are so that other people can see you.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gu9h0 wrote

And police couldn’t care less


Finrodsrod t1_j0h11ep wrote

Nah, the ticket fine isn't worth the hassle. The big bucks are speed traps.


[deleted] OP t1_j0kzksf wrote

You're right, but no lights in rain is probably more dangerous.


Finrodsrod t1_j0l31wl wrote

Cops don't give one rat's ass about safety. They care about revenue.


MajinSkull t1_j0gv2yb wrote

I’ve noticed as I got older (only 28) that cars with no lights on when it’s dawn/dusk or rainy drives me insane. Do you not notice everyone else has their lights on!?


buddykat t1_j0gxwlz wrote

Saw a POLICE vehicle without its lights on yesterday morning on my way to work (sleet/freezing rain). I really need to call that township and tell them to remind their officers of the law!


psychcaptain t1_j0h06v9 wrote

I would have been so tempted to flash them my high beams!

Bad idea, but so are many temptations.


buddykat t1_j0h5f0g wrote

I was behind them... but when I pulled up next to them in a turn lane, it was VERY tempting to roll down my window, get him to roll down his window, and say "hey, it's really difficult to see you in this weather with your headlights off". But I resisted the temptation since I only have a 15 minute commute and don't want to get on their (or my township's PD) bad side!


IAmMostDope92 t1_j0h7idl wrote

Crazy take but people should drive with their lights on at all times. It’s just safer.


googlebearbanana t1_j0idv8r wrote

In addition: The rule in PA is if your wipers are on, then your lights need to be on.


Yomama-22 t1_j0gnjv8 wrote

A lot of cars turn the headlights on automatically when the wipers are on. Check your light settings unless you have a cheap car then it’s all on you.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gnony wrote



penguinchem13 t1_j0gte2f wrote

My Ford has automatic healights but not auto wipers. There is a setting that turns the healights on if the wipers are on for more than 30 sec.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gtsdl wrote



Meatwad1313 t1_j0gx103 wrote

There is no car that turns head lights on and does not turn tail lights on


[deleted] OP t1_j0gx5sv wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0h1dqm wrote

Headlights are always tied to taillights. If the headlights are on the taillights are on. Headlights and DRLs are two different things, though some DRLs use the same bulbs as the headlights, just dimmer.


[deleted] OP t1_j0h354y wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0h4rl3 wrote

You're using the word headlights to mean just the headlight bulbs. Others are using the term headlights with the understanding that when you turn the headlights on the taillights also come on. People that drive around in the dark and rain with their headlights off are stupid, I agree. DRLs are sometimes the problem, because they trun the headlight bulbs on without turning the taillights on. But if your headlight switch is in auto, the taillights will come on when the headlights (the actual headlights, not the DRLs) come on. People are saying to use the auto setting if it's available, and I'm agreeing with them.


heili t1_j0h5xcg wrote

The DRLs on my old car were bright enough that it was possible to not notice if I hadn't turned my headlights on.

Now I have the auto feature so they're turned on for me. They will also automatically turn on if the wipers are on (even on intermittent).


nowordsleft t1_j0h66jb wrote

My car does the same thing.


heili t1_j0h8dgo wrote

Yeah this guy, if his car is really doing what he says it is, he needs to take it to the shop because he has an electrical problem. He actually thinks that the "Auto" setting for headlights will turn the DRLs on and not the taillights when it's dark.

Which is full on asinine and completely contrary to the meaning of DRL which are Daytime Running Lights. He somehow thinks they have wired all but a few very expensive luxury cars so that the "Auto" headlights feature turns the front lights on when it's dark, but not the rear ones.


[deleted] OP t1_j0h8viu wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0h9rfa wrote

Yes it does. There is not a car made for this country where the headlights would automatically turn on without turning on the taillights. It's federal law. The headlight bulbs might illuminate without the taillights turning on because of DRLs, but if you turn on the headlights or have the switch set to auto, the taillights will come on. Some manufacturers might add additional features like headlights (and therefore the taillights) come on when the wipers are on, but the auto switch, if it turns on the headlights, will also turn on the taillights. If it doesn't, then it's not controlling the headlights, it's controlling something else.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hb0uy wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0hchwy wrote

I don't know how it is confusing. When the headlights are on, the taillights are on. If your headlight switch is in auto mode, the headlights and taillights will come on when it gets dark out. Any other time the headlight bulbs are illuminated without the taillights being on is because of DRLs. DRLs are to increase the visibility of your car during the daytime and are not intended for use at night or any other time the headlights are needed (because headlights also turn on the taillights). If your actual headlights are on and the taillights aren't, there is a problem somewhere.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hh7nn wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0hira4 wrote

Yes, that is a blanket statement. If there is an “auto” setting for the headlights, headlights and taillights will come on when it’s dark if they are set to “auto”. For any car made for the US market in the last 20 years.


[deleted] OP t1_j0hxnmk wrote



nowordsleft t1_j0i2012 wrote

Correct. Either they've got their switch on "off" instead of "auto", or they don't have auto headlights. Or there is a problem with the system.


nowordsleft t1_j0h0cfx wrote

When people say headlights they mean the taillights too. When you turn headlights on, the taillights come on. If they mean just the lights in the front, they’ll say DRLs or running lights or something.


frugal_masturbater t1_j0iemq2 wrote

My 2018 Accord has auto lights and auto wipers.. when it rains, the wipers go automatically. As soon as wipers start going, the lights will go on.

When it doesn't rain, the lights come on when it's dusk or darker.

But my wife's Subaru 2019 doesn't have auto wipers even though it's the big end model. I think they added that in 2021 or 2022.

So yeah, all little differences in the detail.


IrresponsibleScience t1_j0gpf7k wrote

Most modern cars have automatic lights that activate when the light is low enough, or when the wipers are on.

So if they aren’t on, either it’s an older vehicle, or the driver isn’t using the automatic function for some reason.


Donotaskmedontellme t1_j0gqjtb wrote

Mine is a 2019 and yesterday the headlights didn't come on even though it was cloudy as fuck with the rain.


[deleted] OP t1_j0grple wrote



thesonofdarwin t1_j0gwsks wrote

My cheap AF Honda Fit has automatic head lights and tail lights (not just DRLs) as a base feature. I'm going to start holding my pinky out as I drive around in my luxury car.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gwwru wrote



thesonofdarwin t1_j0gxqc8 wrote

Then they've turned off their lights. With the light selector turned to OFF the DRLs still turn on (super frustrating as there is no option to actually turn your lights off completely). With it on AUTO they definitely both turn on.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gygud wrote



thesonofdarwin t1_j0h48sj wrote

The handbrake does not turn off the DRLs, unfortunately. The only way they actually fully turn off is if it's bright enough for the sensor to be satisfied. But I've moved out to the NW now and that rarely happens! I can't really park in front of glass front stores/restaurants anymore and let my car running without being an AH since they're always on and bright enough to be annoying.

Here's a video showing OFF (with dimmer DRL no taillights) and AUTO (with brighter headlights and also tail lights).


[deleted] OP t1_j0h8awf wrote



thesonofdarwin t1_j0h9edz wrote

No problem with the video. I needed to start the car anyway to make sure the cold hasn't killed my battery before an appointment since I haven't driven in a few weeks.

I 100% agree, there needs to be standardization. I'm not surprised people drive with no tail lights because the only way to know they aren't on is to get out and walk back and look, or if it's dark enough check your rearview mirror for reflections on the car behind you. There's an indicator for headlights on the dash, but that still doesn't indicate anything related to tail lights. It should just be 1:1. Are any front lights on? If yes, tail lights should be on.

Since it's always cloudy and rainy out in my new home, this is pretty much a daily thread in our subreddit. But it's more people driving with no head lights at all even though they drive cars that support automatic.


nowordsleft t1_j0h0rry wrote

There is no car in the country that turns the headlights on and doesn't also turn the tail lights on. It's federal law for car makers that the two are linked. When you turn your headlights on, either manually or they come on at dark, the tail lights also come on. DRLs and headlights are two different things, but DRLs may use the headlight bulbs.


heili t1_j0gu288 wrote

TIL my Jeep Wrangler is a "luxury brand".


[deleted] OP t1_j0gu97v wrote



heili t1_j0gv4px wrote

They do.


[deleted] OP t1_j0gvpqg wrote



heili t1_j0gzgex wrote

Here's a handy instructional video for how to use the automatic headlights on a Jeep Wrangler:

There is no separate control for taillights, and these are not DRLs.


[deleted] OP t1_j0h2nfc wrote



heili t1_j0h56a9 wrote

You are actually an idiot.

Taillights do not come on with DRLs. The DRLs are activated when the ignition is on, the parking brake is off, and the headlights are off.

Taillights do come on any time the headlights do regardless of whether those headlights are automatically or manually switched on.


ancrm114d t1_j0gwbnh wrote

My Subaru Crosstrek has auto headlights that turn on either when it gets dark or the wipers are turned on.


worthless-humanoid t1_j0gwijb wrote

It’s one of those things I didn’t think to check when getting my current car. My previous one had the auto lights but my 2016 civic doesn’t. Was really hard retraining myself to turn them on manually. Dumb that it’s not a standard for all cars to have auto lights.


AFD_0 t1_j0gx6jl wrote

Think I'd be okay with other drivers just having their DRL on during fog/snow/rain, since it usually adds at least some visibility, but unfortunately, the dumb car manufacturers neglected to make the rear park lights mandatory as well.

The idiots that drive in such conditions without even their parking lights on or with DRL fronts illuminated only are very difficult to see.

Jmo, but at a bare minimum the law should allow for parking lights with always-on DRL or full headlights required without DRL in shitty weather. Though "headlights on" is stated more simply and a bit safer, but adds confusion for the people not realizing DRL is front lighting only.


Copy3dit0r t1_j0gn1e7 wrote

This! 100% This! Especially lighter colored cars. We can't see you.


89GTAWS6 t1_j0gz1nq wrote

I know DRL were supposed to be a safety feature but I feel like it makes things more unsafe, people think they have their headlights on and night when it's just the DRL and then no one can see them from behind.


BrainWav t1_j0h2gqb wrote

With modern lighting systems, I don't quite understand why lights aren't just permanently on. Then a switch to override, which resets when the car is turned off.


bones_34567 t1_j0hns0l wrote

for Pete’s sake turn your lights on


AllEliteAdvantage t1_j0hu1zb wrote

I always give them a quick high beam flash to let them know they have no lights on. Rarely do they pay attention


Pink_Slyvie t1_j0i9xun wrote

Why headlights aren't just on if the engine is running is beyond me.


antagron1 t1_j0ixoxd wrote

How come cars don’t just automatically turn on the lights if the wipers are on? Have never figured this out.


thebemusedmuse t1_j0kwryz wrote

Man there plenty of them on 76 at 10pm!


Gothsicle t1_j0hatmr wrote

yes this is so irritating. on my way to work this morning the fog was pretty dense on I99 in spots, but still many cars hauling ass with no lights on whatsoever.


oswords t1_j0hbjbe wrote

here here!


Atrocious_1 t1_j0hconn wrote

Be cool if our lazy police ever actually enforced this


DonBoy30 t1_j0hjjye wrote

It perplexes me just how reckless drivers are everytime it snows.

If it’s been snowing and freezing raining for the past 24 hours, I really don’t care if they treated the roads, I’m doing the speed limit AT most if conditions seem reasonable. If you tailgate me, suddenly I feel so unsafe, I feel like I need to slow down some to compensate for the reckless behavior of the drivers around me.

Seriously, though, following distance is vital in bad weather conditions, it can be the difference between an insurance claim/death/injury and driving to work being uneventful.


amishengineer t1_j0jlxam wrote

The number of people that I've seen still doing 70 on I-76 near Philadelphia at night in heavy rain...

There is no way they could even see the guardrails let alone the lines on the road..


DonBoy30 t1_j0koama wrote

Im a local trucker up in the poconos. It astounds me how bad people drive. Especially those good ol' boys in older Dodge Rams and the army of cross over SUVs that feel invisible.

I remember when I lived in rural Colorado, there was a saying among the locals I found funny that went the "Texan's first winter." Since they dont salt the roads, but lay down cinder/sand and pack it down, these bozos would buy these beautiful pickup trucks, put it in 4wd H and drive like it's a sunny and dry day, and almost immediately slide into a ditch.


Gord_Is_Good t1_j0hqpo4 wrote

Both of our vehicles have automatic lights, but I usually turn them on even in the daytime, so I'm covered during bad weather and a little better protected in better conditions.


MooseNoises4Bauchii t1_j0i35ka wrote

I always turn my lights on when I get in my car then I don't gotta worry about forgetting to turn them on in work zones or rain. It's just a natural habit now.


SolChapelMbret t1_j0id9zu wrote

Shoot….down in NC cars drive with no hoods, lights, windshields all the time😂 y’all’s roads are way better but drive crazier imo


irishbastard87 t1_j0j93fg wrote

Driving over the Dannhower in Norristown last night back to Plymouth, brand new Highlander, no lights and it’s pitch black. People cannot drive.


MetaphysicalMayhem t1_j0jtxx4 wrote

Both sides’ asses are on the line. But only one side needs to light up its ass.

Even automatic lights don’t necessarily switch to full on mode as soon as they should. Maybe vehicles should have led, always-on, rear end marker lights anyway. I think they’d enhance safety.


ItsjustJim621 t1_j0kialv wrote

I’ve got DRL’s but if it’s raining or even slightly dark but not enough for headlights just yet, I’ll turn the switch to the parking lights so I’ve at least got lights on in the back….


Nemacolin t1_j0kmvgb wrote

I drive a school bus. In the mornings, and now in the evenings, a lot of cars are running without lights. I know they can see me. The thing is I might not be able to see them.

Seriously, the police need to do something about this.


kshucker t1_j0kr4st wrote

Thank god you posted it here. Now all residents of this state are informed.


japes2 t1_j0ks1nu wrote

This week, I started driving in the rain and I forgot to turn my lights on, around 10 am so it was bright and I just didn’t think about it. Two minutes into driving, someone flashed their high beams at me to turn them on (fair) but once their high beams flashed off, they didn’t have their lights on either. 🤦🏻‍♀️


worstatit t1_j0kv723 wrote

You can thank digital dashboards for a lot of this, too. The clueless don't realize the lights on the exterior aren't necessarily on when the dash is lit.


Kass626 t1_j0kwqf7 wrote

I dont like anything about new headlights. Well.. those turning headlights are kinda cool.


ApprehensiveRent478 t1_j0l5rrg wrote

Assuming that most worms in PA even know how to drive. You'd think y'all would be expert drivers swerving around all of those pot holes😂


fryerandice t1_j0h0mpf wrote

given how bright most people's headlights are these days i am good with the DRLs


amishengineer t1_j0jkuu6 wrote

I thought maybe my eyesight was going. I'm in my 30s but all of a sudden this year after DST it seems like most oncoming cars are blinding me to the point where I can't even see the lines on the road. Maybe newer cars are riding higher and the new "low" beams are aimed right at my eye level or alot of jackasses are driving with their high beams on all the time.

Give me that UV yellow tinted headlight any day. Seems like everyone has extra bright blue lasers aimed at my eyes now.


fryerandice t1_j0jy4j4 wrote

driving my ford focus at night is a hard no, all the tall trucks with overly bright headlights is murder on my eyes.


thunderGunXprezz t1_j0ijim6 wrote

I've always wondered who the people were who didn't leave their headlights on automatic mode all the time. The only time I've ever had my headlights turned to the off position is whenever somebody else drives my car and turns them off. I find it super annoying that there are people out there driving with their headlights off when cars have seemingly had automatic headlights my entire life now.


Bluejeep10 t1_j0kx0dy wrote

People today are mostly dumb and lack common sense (talking to you under 30-somethings). Rain=lights on. So we can see you, not so you can see.


couchgodd t1_j0gxt5q wrote

Theres a cloud for you to complain about as well. How about we use this energy on stopping opioid overdoses or solving homelessnes then you can complain about drivers being dumb. No one signals anymore either, who cares!


dean84921 t1_j0h0ce1 wrote

...we can do both, my guy.

I don't know how limited your emotional bandwidth is, but most of us can feel empathy for the homeless and be upset about dangerous drivers. Where's this false choice thing coming from?


MathewMurdock2 t1_j0ijk4y wrote

Pretty certain they are a conservative. So this is all in bad faith.


Anonymous_Otters t1_j0hbfwr wrote

Are you physically incapable of experiencing more than one emotion at a time?


IntoTheMirror t1_j0hsmz0 wrote

This post is a perfect example of most people’s attitudes towards driving. Instead of taking it seriously, they take it for granted.