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newworldman1070 t1_j0nvpfh wrote

I live in northern rural PA. We get a ton of snow and very little winter maintenance as compared to the more populated areas.

I have always run snow tires on all my vehicles and made sure to have them on by Election Day at the latest. All season tires do fine in most conditions, but snow tires really excel in hard packed snowy roads, which i spend a good amount of time driving. The rubber is softer and they have a better grip than the harder all seasons.

I also carry chains for each of our vehicles and have to use them a few times each year.


RemoteStatement OP t1_j0nwecz wrote

Where I live is rural but I go into a more populated area to work. If it wasn't for that mountain I would just run all season .You would think with the amount of travel and the amount of mishaps they would take care of that area a little better but there are allot of roads. Thanks for your reply.


Commissar-Porkchop t1_j0pe2jt wrote

Chances are a set of snow tires is cheaper than your deductable and will last you a few years. All season's are nice usually, but I managed to stop around a turn when I saw an accident and had 5, 5!!! cars fly around me into the oncoming traffic's lane. Really sold me on them. Winter tires are miles better than all seasons, the 2 times a year it really matters can save you a ton of headache and money.


drxdrg08 t1_j0w1qqt wrote

> All season's are nice usually, but I managed to stop around a turn when I saw an accident and had 5, 5!!! cars fly around me into the oncoming traffic's lane.

That's the thing. If all seasons are not enough to get you to where you are going, then you should not be on the road at all. Someone else will crash into you even if you have snow tires.


Commissar-Porkchop t1_j1c56mk wrote

Me being 100% at fault for an accident vs me possibly being in an accident where I am at no fault.

I don't have the liberty to take days off due to weather. It doesn't matter what the weather is. I need to get there. A few inches of snow doesn't bother me at all. Take it slow, just make sure I make it to work.

To the grocery store? Yeah fuck that. But I absolutely have to make it to work no matter what. No I'm not switching jobs. They're all like that in my field and it pays to much.