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drewbaccaAWD t1_j22j0pr wrote

It's more of an East Coast/ West Coast thing in my experience... In the east you drive on I-95 and out west you drive on "the 5" or "the 15" or whatever. Same applies to Interstates 90/80/70 etc.

I personally prefer using "the" which most of us do when referring to "the Turnpike" although we'd then say I-80, I-79, or whatever. So yeah, I do say I-whatever out here.

Just one of those weird regional things.


randycanyon t1_j22jc8u wrote

Not even west Coast.

Southern California.


drewbaccaAWD t1_j22lw6a wrote

It was "the five" and "the 90" in Seattle. Lived there for seven years (two years in San Diego).

*edit to add* Wife was from Phoenix.. "the ten" and "the 17" as well as "the eight."