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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j14rskg wrote

I’ve moved state-to-state 7 times.

It can be a great experience, particularly if you look for travel ideas and explore your new state extensively. Make the most of it. Even reading books about it’s history or novels, etc can help you appreciate your new area.

Before moving, consider selling or donating or throwing out half your stuff (the half you no longer need or want).

Research great school systems and try to locate there.

As you pack up, take some extra time to mark contents on the boxes. That will help later. Also think through what to put in your Open First Box (paper plates, napkins, eating utensils and cups at minimum plus a knife to cut boxes open and trash bags.

In your first week, try to find one favorite place. Maybe a coffee shop, a pub, a place to watch the sunset. Go back weekly, maybe the same day each week. Routine will help your sanity during a high stress time.

If buying a home, consider one with enough of a lot so if you want to add on in the future, you have that option. Due diligence: don’t buy anyplace with ground water problems, flooding, nor noise issues. Someone was on reddit recently frantic about the trash truck at the mall on adjoining property waking them up at 4:45a. Consider a neighborhood where neighbors socialize more easily

Use reddit, Facebook, NextDoor, etc to help you connect.

This is an opportunity to bond as a family. Friendships aside temporarily. Lean in.

In your new town, even if you are busy, volunteer. It’s a very obvious bold signal to your new community that these are newcomers we can trust. Plus it has a tendency to keep your spirits high.

As you meet people in your neighborhood and if they are ok with exchanging phone numbers, you can start a neighborhood text group. This will help everyone with random questions and hard to find information on google.

It would be nice if new neighbors came to you to bring a welcome gift, but don’t wait. Bake brownies. Put your name, address and phone number on a card on top and take them to your neighbors.

Host a party.

You got this. 7 states and I have no regrets. Learned a great deal about the country, made a lot of life long friends.

Hope this was accurate and helpful.

Gettysburg is beautiful, as is Amish countryside (the rural back roads), and Lititz. Hawk Mountain. Philly. Wyeth Museum. You are in for a treat.