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KoBxElucidator t1_j29w47z wrote

I hung out with this guy in 6th grade at recess. Fucking crazy...


Away-Living5278 t1_j29zbly wrote

He looks like he has crazy eyes in the mugshot. Was he like that then?


KoBxElucidator t1_j29zh9h wrote

Honestly I don't remember too much. It was a long time ago. I just remember he didn't have many friends before he had a massive weight loss. He used to be MUCH heavier.


sarahbadera t1_j2a2puu wrote

That’s really interesting. A lot of people are calling out that he looks older than 28, but if he had dramatic weight loss that could be responsible for making his face appear more wrinkled/older than a typical 28 year old’s.


KoBxElucidator t1_j2a2tgr wrote

He lost what I would guess at least 100 lbs in high school, probably during puberty so that would have an effect.


sarahbadera t1_j2a2yz1 wrote

Dang! Do you recall if he was bullied pre-weight loss?


KoBxElucidator t1_j2a37g8 wrote

Yes, but I didn't see it personally as I didn't have many friends then either (hence why I hung out with him xD). I do know people who graduated with us saying on FB that he was HEAVILY bullied before losing the weight.


sarahbadera t1_j2a3lmf wrote

That sucks. Kids and teenagers can be so cruel.


Mor_Tearach t1_j2c2n0v wrote

Someone else who he was in a friend group with said he flipped fairly swiftly, still in high school and became a bully himself so they distanced themselves.

Also this guy wanted to be a COP. Has a degree in criminal justice from ( I think ) LaSalle ) getting a doc in it at Washington.


HelixHarbinger t1_j2dprcj wrote

Can you post where you have seen his interest in being a LEO.


Mor_Tearach t1_j2emhlt wrote

I just tried to look up leo? Search occluded by zodiac information? 🤷 I'm not being snarky honest, just unfamiliar with what that would be?

If it's his interest in the career, I'll re- look for it? I ' think ' one of the more local ( as in Idaho based ) media sources, not national?


five_eight t1_j2b2h9s wrote

The low-set ears and dead eyes of a cold blooded sociopath.


lilacbear t1_j2a0ak2 wrote

That's so crazy! Wonder what happened to him to make him so psychotic.


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j2adbes wrote

Just because he was arrested doesn't mean he's guilty.


chillfree2 t1_j2b5voz wrote

They found his DNA at the scene, hard to fight that


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j2b6zyq wrote

I'll still wait to see it play out. It wouldn't be the 1st time they apprehended the wrong person.


greenshirt21 t1_j2c12nn wrote

Are u delusional? His car was near the crime scene, he was found hiding in Pennsylvania when he was supposed to be in school in Idaho, and how can they fake dna at the crime scene? Plus you add the fact he was a criminology student?


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j2d52hq wrote

Am I delusional? No. Ever heard of Richard Jewl? Let's just say before he is found guilty in the public square he deserves his day in court like everyone does.


ElonMuskTheNarcisist t1_j2cda60 wrote

It’s possible he was romantic with one of the girls and was at the house earlier that day. Also possible he was in PA because most schools went remote in that area after the murders. I doubt the police made a mistake though. I would definitely bet on him being the killer.