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HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jcy8d wrote

And by Biden corruption you’re talking about Hunter Biden. Because you think Hunter Biden = Joe Biden. And if you can prove Hunter Biden is a piece of shit them it’s the same as proving Joe Biden shouldn’t be President. We know exactly how you think and we all laugh at you because it’s stupid. Terribly stupid.

No amount of proving Hunter Biden is a piece of shit will ever change the fact that Joe Biden beat Donald Trump in an historic landslide for POTUS. And no amount of proving Hunter Biden is a piece of shit means Joe Biden can’t be President.

Nobody cares if Hunter Biden goes to prison. Nobody cares if he committed crimes. He’s isn’t an elected official.


RipTide275 t1_j1jed8e wrote

Not what I meant at all. What if a committee shows Joe Biden is corrupt and has profited illegally from Hunter selling his influence all over the world. What would you think then?


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1jhq80 wrote

I would think Joe Biden should be prosecuted because that’s what a normal person believes.

That’s not even what is on the table here though. There is absolutely zero evidence that Joe Biden has done anything illegal regarding Hunter Biden or anything else. Republicans accuse people of things first and then expect courts to accept it first without evidence so they can then go find the evidence. That’s completely backwards of how our justice system actually works.

It’s exactly the argument that Trump’s idiot legal team made in 2020. They filed lawsuits claiming election fraud, presented no evidence to the court and then argued that they court needed to take the case and grant them warrants to find the evidence to support their claims.

This is exactly what the right is doing now. They are claiming Hunter Biden broke laws, that Joe Biden aided him and that they need to be granted warrants so they can find evidence to support this claim.

Here is what is going to happen and you can save this comment. The Republican House is going to attempt to investigate Hunter Biden. They’ll form a committee. They will find absolutely nothing other than what we already know. Hunter Biden is a drug addict and likes hookers (why should I fucking care)? They will find absolutely nothing about Joe Biden doing anything illegal. All they will find is what we already know, which is that Joe Biden loves his son and has asked him to get help. They will ridicule Joe Biden for telling his son he will support him if he wants to turn his life around because to the right a father supporting his son is grounds for something. Impeachment maybe.

In the end the Republican led committee will try to convict Joe Biden because his son is a loser and it will result in absolutely nothing. Save this comment so you can apologize to me in two years.


Dark_Prism t1_j1jrdpp wrote

> I would think Joe Biden should be prosecuted because that’s what a normal person believes.

This is such an easy litmus test that these nutjobs fail constantly.

I want to yell in their faces "THE PEOPLE YOU VOTE FOR HATE YOU! STOP ACTING LIKE LOYALTY TO THEM MEANS ANYTHING!" Christ, the entirety of the US government is meant to work for the people who elect them, i.e. the citizens of the United States of America. Every elected official that undermines the rule of law needs to be held accountable to the furthest extent possible. This thing where cops and politicians and rich people get away with stuff all the time drives me insane. We need to hold them all to a higher standard, not a lower one.


HeyZuesHChrist t1_j1khyf9 wrote

The right is simply on a team. They could never comprehend holding someone on their team accountable for anything. Even though I am a Democrat there is no team. If someone breaks the law they should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. That’s how it works, unless you’re a Republican in which case it’s just “Hunter Biden!”


danappropriate t1_j1q6doz wrote

What you are saying is barely conjecture—we’ve seen Republicans run this exact dog and pony show before with the Benghazi investigations.


frotz1 t1_j1ji8sk wrote

Show it. You're comparing hypothetical corruption without any evidence to a very well documented insurrection attempt with evidence piled up in front of you. You don't get to call hypocrisy because we aren't taking your imaginary crimes seriously.