Submitted by ReginaldWeblington t3_zui2ak in Pennsylvania

I was thinking about how cool it would be if I did some sort of road trip where I went through every single county in Pennsylvania, stopping for a landmark in each county along the way. Google says it takes 6 hours to travel from East to West Pennsylvania, but how long would it take to travel all the counties (other than Philadelphia which I live in)?



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Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j1jaron wrote

You have to criss cross the state at least 2x so I'm guessing a few days in the summer months.


Elouiseotter t1_j1jfj7k wrote

I’m not sure but definitely take the “backroads.” I drove up to Maine last year using the “avoid highways” preference on Google maps and it was a wonderful journey.


Dredly t1_j1jr1ov wrote

5 hours is jumping on 80 and driving at speed limit. PA is a really big state. if you just run 80 border to border its like 300+ miles. if you are running back roads its going to take you a lot longer.


PA has 67 counties... a road trip to hit them all would be a week + of drive time


glowinthedarkfrizbee t1_j1jy6yc wrote

Great idea! I live in PA. It is a very beautiful and diverse state if you take the time to explore. I’ll be retiring soon and might just steal your idea!


artful_todger_502 t1_j1k4zi5 wrote

Clark DeLeone has a book called Pennsylvania Curiosity's that's very interesting. Seeing everything he mentions in the book might make a pretty cool road trip.


justuravgjoe762 t1_j1kaky8 wrote

Rt 30, Rt 22, I-80, Rt 6 sounds like your east west ones. You're going to have to do some north south detours to pick all the counties up.


kl001 t1_j1kbrmy wrote

John Steinbeck did something similar and later wrote a book, called Travel with Charlie (in search of America). Its a great book!


[deleted] t1_j1kl2nw wrote

Try it and then come back and tell us.


lalube t1_j1kt1di wrote

A buddy’s grandpa did this, visiting every county court house. I believe it took them 10-12 days, I don’t remember exactly.


JoshS1 t1_j1m5nfg wrote

Realistically, you could probably do it in a week.


Independent-Drive-18 t1_j1ndoa0 wrote

Unless you get stuck behind a semi. My plan was to drive from the Delaware Water Gap to Erie. Six hours to go a few hundred miles I drove into New York and made good time through great scenery. Hwys 322 and 422 are nice drives. Hit the ringing rocks park in the eastern part of the state. The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania in north central PA is nice. Once you get through Corry on 6 westbound it gets mostly straight and flat. If you plan on hitting all 67 counties I recommend at least a week. Ohio Pyle park is very nice. Avoid I 80 its all semis the exhaust fumes are almost unbearable. Back roads through the center and east part of the states are scenic.


Fiesta412 t1_j1r78ps wrote

Many years ago visitpa had road maps that could join together so we could visit most of the state by vehicle. And there were a couple different ways you could go about it. Regions or drive the exterior. Interior had a map.

I did it w friends in my 20's on different occasions but never at once. I actually have always wanted to do it at once over a month in the fall or early summer.

I just went to find the old road tours. I don't see anything like that listed. They do have a bunch of driving tours available by season & region that look awesome. I am sure you could put those together and have a great time.

Perhaps even add some biking or hiking in areas like the Allegheny Passage to make it special.