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RipTide275 t1_j2sv9p1 wrote

That guy from 9 years ago. Cmon. Lol


cpr4life8 t1_j2svi4n wrote

"Why is the gas tax increasing? The increase is mandated by Act 89, which was passed by the General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Tom Corbett, a decade ago, according to PennDOT."


RipTide275 t1_j2t0v40 wrote

First of all, there was bipartisan support so both parties were in favor of the tax when it was passed. Second, did you read the article, the increase was triggered by higher wholesale prices. Thank your boy Biden for that. Good day


cpr4life8 t1_j2t1tfq wrote

The law was signed 10 years ago what the fuck did Biden have to do with Pennsylvania increasing their gas tax 10 years ago?

Holy fuck I've seen stupid before...but you've achieved a level like no other!


RipTide275 t1_j2t7ff8 wrote

you obviously didn’t read the article you posted, nor my explanation. Or maybe it is beyond your comprehension level. I’ll try again in one sentence. The increase in gas tax is caused by the higher wholesale gas prices, this is the first year the taxes ever increased.


Minute_Helicopter_91 t1_j2tcavw wrote

This isn’t the first year the gas tax has increased. Biden has 0 to do with this.


RipTide275 t1_j2tfmdp wrote

This is the first time that this has happened since the law went into effect," said Alexis Campbell, a spokeswoman for PennDOT.

The spokeswoman from Penndot disagrees with you.


Minute_Helicopter_91 t1_j2tgcgb wrote

3 times the gas tax has gone up prior to this last one.

And apparently, you glossed over the most important part of the article as to why it’s going up this year:

A provision in the law sets the "floor" of the wholesale gas price at $2.99, PennDOT says. If the price remains above this level for 12 months, the fuel tax rate increases. The average wholesale price is now $3.17.

So total, the gas tax has increased 4 times.


NEBook_Worm t1_j3cw8kq wrote

Reddit doesn't care about truth. Got people in here blaming republicans for gas taxes in a state run by democrats for a decade. It's the reddit agenda.