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Byefellati0 t1_j2wryba wrote

Lmfao at how low the pay scale is in PA.


IrresponsibleScience t1_j2x1jlq wrote

This whole job page is straight out of the r/AntiWork handbook. and its hilarious.

And it’s for the federal security service position?


FlamingoGram t1_j2x7oou wrote

"Federal" in the name means nothing! They are looking for security guards. It's like they think the guys will be duped by the name "Federal," thinking government $$$ and run apply.

Nope! Barely above minimum wage pay and never, ever believe "Expecting pay increase in the future."


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j2xheve wrote

I’d be amazed if anyone took that position… then again I work in human services which are historically low paying. Yet not even they tend to pay this bad.


Elliott2 t1_j2xtjd5 wrote

What point? Shit job has shit pay, even with the exaggerated pay increase. Plenty of non-shit jobs with non shit pay though. Like housing it all comes down to location. Looks like Lawrenceville is just outside of Pittsburgh. You can Easily find a better paying job but go ahead and focus on this one shitty job lol

Always funny when people with no applicable skills other than showing up want massive pay.


Lilthotdawg t1_j2y52l9 wrote

I keep saying we’re in a job desert, I can’t wait to move lol


Lilthotdawg t1_j2y6cnw wrote

What are your qualifications for “high paying”? Does it factor in healthcare and other benefits? Having children? Commute cost? Pay for travel? Expect you to permanently injure your body for less than $100 an hour (lowe’s specifically for no reason whatsoever 😡😂)? Sick pay? Vacation accrual? Etc.


Neverendingwebinar t1_j2y6kj5 wrote

When I got my BS in Accounting in 2010 I was getting $12 offers. I kept turning them down since I was making far more in food service as a server.

I keep getting told that you need to earn your way up and these are "starter jobs" but fuck that, I spent $50k getting a degree in between working 2 jobs. I earned real wages.

I work in an office now finally, but still take my $12/hr in fast food at my night job.


Neverendingwebinar t1_j2y7urw wrote

The low end jobs are very saturated. If you graduate high in your class (which someone working 2 jobs already wasn't going to do) and go to a top tier school, you can go right into industry or one of the big 4 to work on your CPA.

CPA can make you bank. All the best entry level Jobs are very hard hours until you climb and usually burn you out. But they pay well and can be rewarding.

Everyone else starts as an accounting assistant, accounts payable clerk, or accounts receivable clerk. They pay usually about $14 here.

I have friends that did this and one became a staff accountant after about 10 years and now makes about $25/hour.

I am willing to tell people what I am worth and don't work anything for less than a set figure as a primary job and am willing to walk away from their "opportunities" because I don't do $14/hour with promises of future success.


Neverendingwebinar t1_j2y8x79 wrote

My pleasure. Best advice I can give to people is to plan for what job they want then learn what it takes to get there.

Also to choose a value for yourself that matches what you work for and don't let people rip you off.

Fast food management pays 40k to 60k. Why would you take your Bachelor's degree and work for less than that?

Also, those management jobs can be worthwhile options that you shouldn't be afraid of if you will work. Also, there are good labor jobs in water authorities, parks departments, county jobs, and apprenticeships. Good jobs exist, that's why the "nobody wants to work anymore" crowd always looks silly with what they offer.


Byefellati0 t1_j2y9t89 wrote

My point was that a lot of jobs in PA pay less then similar jobs in other places.

“Lmfao at how low the pay scale is in PA”

You interjected with your apparently unpopular opinion, and then backed up my original claim by saying that it should be 15 dollars ( a 50% increase). And then, rambled on with nonsense.

You’re a troll, and not a very good one.


rovinchick t1_j2z07sw wrote

I get the highlighting and agree. Sadly lots of people do waste employers time just to satisfy their "work" requirement for benefits. You have to be actively looking for work and many people will just keep applying with NO intention of taking the job if offered, so they don't even interview. Often times they just collect business cards and photocopy them saying they visited those business inquiring, but some benefits reviewers want more.


ExcitingRace t1_j2z0txi wrote

Lmfao drug testing for a $10.50/hr job... you need to be on drugs to settle for that low of pay


woodcuttersDaughter t1_j2z8r4c wrote

Even if you don’t lift a finger, the value of a human’s time alone is worth more than $10/hr.


rovinchick t1_j2znvay wrote

I'm not a guy and $10/hr is better than zero, I guess. I've worked jobs that pay less as a supplement to my full time gig. If you're on unemployment and it's about to run out, it's probably better than nothing if rent need to be paid.


Monkeyhouse10 t1_j2zxhrs wrote

Accounting is far from Saturated, there is a major shortage. I’m getting back into accounting after 3 years off and will be making between 85-110 base plus whatever bonus. Leaving college I started at 57 and steadily move up from there, after 3 years I was 80k.

There’s different paths you can take in accounting but if you go the CPA route (150 credits) and go into public accounting you’ll start at a minimum of 55 in lcol cities


talldean t1_j2zyeej wrote

You too can pay $5/hour less than Target, and need evenings and overnights.


schu2470 t1_j308ybl wrote

I worked for a while at a local bank in Columbia County in the mortgage department. They originally offered me $12.50 to collect documentation, process mortgage paperwork, and order and review appraisals. Told them I wouldn't do it for less than $15. They hemmed and hawed and tried to make me feel like they were doing me a favor by giving me what I wanted. Even that felt like it was too little. Imagine calling your bank with a question about your mortgage or you're trying to get one setup and you find out the person putting it together for you is making $15/hour.


Lilthotdawg t1_j309f86 wrote

Yet you can work overnight at sheetz for $18/hr. Don’t get me wrong, that type of job is HARD, but no one went into tens of thousands of dollars of debt for a degree and STILL gets $18/hr starting. Anyone with a degree should get $30 or more to help them pay back debt.


PM_SOME_OBESE_CATS t1_j34mswc wrote

$10.50/hr in Pittsburgh??

That's low end in my corner of Pennsyltucky these days

Then again I did once see a job listing for a marketing coordinator job in Philly that required a degree but wanted to pay $9-11/hr lmao


kyohrus t1_j34oi9y wrote

$10.50 an hour 😳😳😳 no one can successfully live on that pay…


--jawnday-- t1_j36e8f3 wrote

Wow that’s starting wage is so low. I work at a grocery store and make almost twice as much as that.


Neverendingwebinar t1_j375esi wrote

In 2010, I worked customer service at PNC and made $9.85, and worked as a waiter on Saturday and Sunday. Then, I managed restaurants, making about $55k.

Now I make about that same money but sit at a desk and eat snacks and drink coffee. So much easier. I am learning golf so I can be management.


Skcuhc1 t1_j3akttb wrote

For $10 an hour I'll certainly string you along, you don't value my time so I won't value yours.