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Exodys03 t1_j33xfva wrote

Me three. They really need to put either a time or area limitation on these things. I understand they want to get the word out quickly but I don’t need to be jolted awake at 5:00 a.m. because a child has gone missing hundreds of miles away.


ronreadingpa t1_j34znx4 wrote

Amber alerts can be turned off. Those tend to be useless and more harmful than anything. Waking up tens of thousands in the middle of the night likely leads to more accidents. Emergency alerts can also be turned off, though personally I find it useful in my local area (Western Berks), so I leave that one on.


Benanov t1_j35sqwx wrote

Yep. Most AMBER alerts are just divorced couples being shitty to each other.

That rare one that justifies the system tho