Submitted by IamSauerKraut t3_1056ldu in Pennsylvania

Unclear what exactly this "framework" contains but I guess we will find out soon enough.

Bigger question is whether any member of the PA Congressional delegation will challenge Perry's fitness to be seated in Congress.



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axeville t1_j399wcf wrote

Ignores a subpoena from congress so why not just seize the gavel and ignore the 20 people subverting the other 200 members of. His. Own. Party.


Key_Text_169 t1_j39db6z wrote

Who in our great Commerce votes for this man?


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j39i2r2 wrote

Why is he still in Congress? Insurrectionists are not allowed to hold a seat according to the Constitution.


susinpgh t1_j39i42g wrote

I think the framework is something that McCarthy has been floating since October 2022:

The GOP will hold the debt ceiling hostage unless they can get massive spending cuts to Social Security and Medicare. The GOP has no plan proposed to replace these social programs, and it will dump enormous numbers of citizens into abject poverty if the GOP is given traction to proceed with their plan. I don't understand how any working person in the US can support the GOP when they have made it clear on so many fronts that they are willing to put SS and Medicare on the chopping block at the benefit of the massive corporate machine.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_j39itzt wrote

If scrotum's Caucus strong-arms its way into this type of action, then the Biden Admin's countermove is to cut military spending at whatever level is necessary to stay under the debt ceiling. Blame the former general for gross incompetence in battle.


all4whatnot t1_j3a2969 wrote

I remember this bum. The traitor who was a Brigadier General in the Army National Guard. The guy who probably took oaths to protect this country in his military service and and swore on a book for his public service - but is still a traitor with orange around his lips.


Old_Moment7914 t1_j3a58kn wrote

I am not in a hurry for the GQP failure to lead , going down a rabbit hole about Hunters Biden alleged laptop , he never sought or held public office it’s a dead issue there going to waste our money chasing like Benghazi only Hillary did work in government , Hunter never has .


Yachtrocker717 t1_j3akdut wrote

Poor Scott must be tired of kicking over McCarthy's blocks.


CleverDolphin42 t1_j3bmnft wrote

I hope a ‘framework’ is in place to put him in jail.


crunkdunk80 t1_j3d8pka wrote

Just out of curiosity, what do you all gain by obsessing over politics? If you just come on here to complain what does it do for you? Have any of you actually done anything from expressing your feelings on Reddit? Seems like a lot of wasted energy.


LowNo5584 t1_j3dep7w wrote

The Biden Administration doesn't control the finances of the country. As foreign a concept as that is, the #xecutive Branch doesn't control the purse. Only Congress can. That's why the student debt relief will fail.


yeags86 t1_j3ds5hs wrote

They either too dumb to realize cutting those taxes cuts their future payouts. Or they are already getting those payouts and don’t care they are pulling the ladder up behind them.


CovidCat8 t1_j3edb9j wrote

He should have gone down for this in 2002. Who knows who let him skate back then, but it’s a shame because we’re still stuck with the lying sack.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_j3ek7ev wrote

There ya go again, u/LowNo5584 Dumping your crap, then running like a coward. The saying goes that Congress controls the purse strings but when Congress does not fund, the Executive must shut things down. If you are going to post crap, at least have the courage to defend your words. Or does the yella in ya spine cause you to run?


axeville t1_j3el0dg wrote

Are we gonna look at Jared Kushners billions in Saudi funding immediately after leaving the White House while we are digging into the laptops of White House relatives? He was actually in the WH making taxpayer funded policy while Hunter was boozing up whatever on his own dime.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_j3en1yu wrote

Unfortunately, fraud appears to not be an "infamous crime" which would disqualify scrotum from holding public office; it does appear, however, that the kid gloves with which he was handled gave him the courage to step up his criminal behavior. Why the PA Nat'l Guard did not boot him at that point is something I do not understand.


Old_Moment7914 t1_j3ez7xo wrote

Isn’t a framework essential to building a traitor truth device called a gallows?


CovidCat8 t1_j3igfo0 wrote

In an effort to correct the awful homecoming that Vietnam vets received, I think we have gone overboard with our reverence for folks in the military. Not everyone who wears a uniform wears it honorably, and we have seen solid, recent evidence of that with Perry (and Mastriano). I can’t imagine that Perry would have gotten away with his earlier fraud AND risen through the ranks in the Nat’l Guard had someone not stepped in somewhere along the line. It’s like bro code.