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Dr_Worm88 t1_j3foifp wrote

I’m curious. Explain how easy it would me to bulk ballot harvest?


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j3fquo4 wrote

If you read the post more closely they are not really talking about "ballot harvesting", they are saying extremely explicitly that the problem with mail in voting is that by making it "too easy" to vote, then all the "dumb low information voters" will vote.


Kabloosh75 t1_j3fpbwh wrote

Go door to door.

Tell people to vote. It's in the mail. Hell you can offer to help them fill it out.

It's not a hard concept to grasp.

Mail in voting makes this super easy to achieve since people no longer need to take the time out of their day to go to the polls to vote. Way easier to just fill out a form and mail it.

I'm not opposed to the concept as long as it's done right and there's nothing illegal about going door to door and asking people to fill it out.

Just saying it's an easy way to get a bunch of people to vote that otherwise wouldn't have.

It's no different than driving up with a bus and picking up a bunch of people to go to the polls.

It's a form of legal ballot harvesting since you're just looking for folks that are most likely to vote for your preferred candidate so you target certain communities.

It's generally even easier for Democrats to do this since their strongholds are in cities. It's easier to hit up a dozen people in a shorter amount of time in an apartment complex than go door to door in a more rural neighborhood where people have an acre between each home.

Republicans are naturally disadvantaged since they have been traditionally represented by more sparsely populated regions.


the_hoagie t1_j3fq856 wrote

Just to be clear the definition of ballot harvesting is specifically the third party collection and submission of other people's ballots. Just assisting people with voting, even if it's door to door, is not ballot harvesting, nor is bussing people to the polls.


Kabloosh75 t1_j3fqqw6 wrote

It's ballot harvesting.

The law may not call it that, but when you manage to get a bunch of people to vote since they otherwise wouldn't have especially in large numbers you're harvesting something. Harvesting people to go to the ballot box. You're just not directly collecting the ballot and delivering it yourself.


[deleted] t1_j3g2dc0 wrote



ItsjustJim621 t1_j3gkdek wrote

They know what they’re talking about. They watched 2000 Mules and they’re an expert on ballot harvesting.



the_hoagie t1_j3gmqjn wrote

That's just called voting. There's nothing nefarious about that unless you don't want people to vote. Ballot harvesting explicitly requires physically collecting and submitting other people's votes on their behalf.


cashonlyplz t1_j3gl0fn wrote

>It's ballot harvesting.

According to you. Ballot harvesting is when a third party is collecting a bulk of ballots, which I believe is illegal.

For example: A major municipality's own board of elections can do almost whatever re: drop-boxes, so long as it does not violate existing State laws/rules. That's not ballot harvesting. Going to a senior center and collecting everyone's ballots would and since senior centers often end up being a designated polling place, I'm not sure we have instances of this happening, at least not in PA, but I don't think it's necessarily nefarious if the people whose votes are getting delivered are all walker or wheelchair bound. Old folks like voting. it's not stopping nor circumventing the election process to aid them.

I think you're a little confused about the facts


Thecrawsome t1_j3gtmwj wrote

Turn off Fox Jesus Christ

People that who otherwise would not vote who gives a fuck, you just reminded them to vote.

That should be viewed as a Civic victory and nobody should look at that negatively.


Dr_Worm88 t1_j3fptg7 wrote

Interesting, trying to see the problem here since in your first post you painted it as a negative.


Kabloosh75 t1_j3fq1qj wrote

If you're a democrat. There is no problem.

If you're a republican. There's a problem and you're going to lose more elections if you don't adapt.


Dr_Worm88 t1_j3fq54r wrote

Sounds less of an issue with voting and more of an issue with their platform.


justasque t1_j3gy176 wrote

But wouldn’t those people have to have requested an absentee or no-reason-needed mail-in ballot in the first place? Thus showing some interest in the election, and a high likelihood of voting even without door to door help?