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ScienceWasLove t1_j3gb3hf wrote

If you look at the numbers, in the article, 1%-1.8% of mail in ballots from both parties were impacted. In fact, you could alarmingly infer that republicans mail in ballots were thrown out at 1.8x that rate of democrats mail-in ballots.


[deleted] t1_j3gew2o wrote

“Democrats had 10,920 votes thrown out, about half for lacking secrecy envelopes. Republicans saw 3,503 ballots forfeited. Independents and third parties amounted to 1,731 votes that did not count in the fall election”

Do us a favor, don’t try math again.


ScienceWasLove t1_j3gjpr4 wrote

I did. I read the entire article. It states, eventually, that there was around 1,000,000 mail in ballots for dems, 187,000 for rep.

16,000 were discarded. 10,000 were from democrats, 3,500 from republicans.

10,000 vs 1,000,000 is 1%

3,500 vs. 187,000 is 1.8%.

I did not include the independent numbers.

It is worse. 1.8x more republicans votes were thrown out proportionally.


The alarmist title states “a majority” of the thrown out ballots (16,000) were democrats - which is true - because more than half of the THROWN out ballots were dems.

However, this is sensationalism and does not represent a true understanding of what happened.


AmbiguousMessages t1_j3gn0mu wrote

If the election was based on the number of mail in ballots that would matter. But it wasn’t. In the overall count more democratic votes were negated.


hydroracer8B t1_j3gqa3w wrote

So it's absolutely idiotic to say that the title is sensationalist.

When you look at the numbers YOU just provided, the majority of discarded votes were from Democratic voters. The headline is true


ScienceWasLove t1_j3gqubc wrote

Right. But it is clearly misleading because it makes people think

A) a majority of democratic mail in ballot were not counted WHEN REALLY

B) 10,000 of 1,000,000 mail in democrat votes were not counted (1%)

If you disagree w/ the how misleading the title is, you only need to see the comments.

Another accurate title would be: “Republicans mail ballots thrown out at nearly twice the rate of Democrat mail in ballots”

Equally as alarmist, equally one-sided, equally true, equally mis/disinformation.

How about “98+% of all 1.2+ million mail Ballots recorded accurately”.

A much less sensational headline that builds trust in our near error free election system in PA.


hydroracer8B t1_j3gstr0 wrote

The headline literally says "majority of cancelled ballots were democratic"

Your point you listed above suggest that you didn't even finish reading the title. It's not misinformation because it's fucking true & accurate

Go apologize to your 3rd grade math teacher, and also your 2nd grade English teacher


tyrael459 t1_j3gl56b wrote

Very true, but unfortunately it’s just typical headline writing for either “side” of the issues these days.

There are great journalists out there, but never forget that any media company needs to make money somehow.


ScienceWasLove t1_j3gmcqj wrote

Fair enough.

But what is truly scary is the down votes by people who are intentionally ignoring the facts that don't support their conspiracy theory.


AmbiguousMessages t1_j3gobnh wrote

They’re not. The percentage of negated mail-in votes is a meaningless number.


tyrael459 t1_j3gmx5g wrote

Agreed. That’s how we are these days, though. Most of us are in our respective bubbles, pretty much unwilling to listen to stuff that we don’t already agree with. Pretty depressing, really.


nikc4 t1_j3gvkm9 wrote

I'm glad you repeat yourself in every comment chain on this post so I can downvote you multiple times for the same dumb opinions.


ScienceWasLove t1_j3gvrot wrote

What exactly is dumb about actually understanding math and how it used to push a false narrative and manipulate people, while increasing overall ignorance?


nikc4 t1_j3h1buv wrote

Understanding math isn't the issue. Understanding context is important too. This article comes after several years of republican attack on the mail-in ballot system, specifically because of its high proportion of democratic voters. This article is proof that the attack is working. The only thing your "alarming" percentages really prove is that Republicans are worse at writing their address on the envelope.

Unless you think people are sitting there going through each envelope trying to throw away the Republican votes.

You're focusing on the 0.8% difference. The people downvoting you are focused on the 7417 vote difference. It's a more important difference.


ScienceWasLove t1_j3h416g wrote

Republicans do not “attack” anything. In PA they disagreed with emergency election measure put in place with the COVID shutdown which were maintained but not followed w/ legislative action once the COVID shutdown was ended.

The next argument was over mail in voting procedures and what rules (from the legislature) should and should not be followed and how that should be resolved in each voting district.

It can be argued, as many did, the arguments for following the rules supported the republicans.

Although, we can see in these results that 1% of dems didn’t follow ten rules and 1.8% of republicans didn’t follow the rules.