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thirteenoranges t1_j3oyb2v wrote

Yes, based on a poor understanding of how surveys work… I asked to explain that opinion and they had no explanation…

Uninformed opinions are dangerous. I’m sure you can agree with that.


kellzone t1_j3p56hr wrote

Yes, that's true, but there's no need to jump down someone's throat like that either. Just explain how statistical analysis works rather than asking them if they can provide a statistical analysis and evidence to support it when they almost certainly don't have access to the materials to do that, as well as the time involved, just to make a simple, offhand reddit comment. It's beyond pedantry.


thirteenoranges t1_j3p5j9u wrote

Uh, I didn’t jump down anyone’s throat. I asked a few questions about how they came to a conclusion.

Basic statistics 101 isn’t pedantry. It’s elementary. It’s fundamental.