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HD_Hot_Cocoa t1_j3ou88y wrote

Avian influenza is hitting a lot of egg producers. Prices and shortages are going to continue to rise for a while still.


drunkmonkey176 OP t1_j3rf20y wrote

If this was the cause, why is chicken breast pretty much still the same price as the last 10 years? It has technically gone up to $2.49 a pound, but is almost always on sale for $1.99. I've been paying that price since I've started buying my own groceries and I'm 41.


Rbandit28 t1_j3rfksa wrote

From the article I read the flue is hitting the layers the hardest, and turkeys. But chicken used for meat is not being hit as hard. Some states have lost of 1 million in the last year with at least 11 states being over 1 million chickens lost.

Source: I read it on the internet.


HD_Hot_Cocoa t1_j3rpic0 wrote

I work at a grocery store and from what I am aware this is correct. The groups of chickens that lay eggs usually aren't the same ones you eat.


pa_bourbon t1_j3u4xiq wrote

Chickens raised for meat are different than egg layers. Just like we don’t eat milk cattle.


FaithlessnessCute204 t1_j3wphpl wrote

I mean we do ,they just aren’t normally steaks 🥩, but the definitely become freezer burgers after they are done milking. Laying birds get processed but for animal feed


fenuxjde t1_j3orbdd wrote

Still get mine at the farmers market for $1 a dozen.


Blexcr0id t1_j3ql4m4 wrote

Don't buy in styrofoam anyways...


enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3sv2pv wrote

Last time I went to Giant Eagle, that was all they had. No Certified Humane eggs, just jumbo bleached white eggs in styrofoam.


Allemaengel t1_j3q7br2 wrote

Glad I got a coop and 8 chickens about a year ago. I've ended up giving eggs away to my neighbors, friends, and family.


pcs3rd t1_j3q9bl3 wrote

We have so many eggs during the summer that my family literally doesn't know what to do with them


Allemaengel t1_j3qdzkt wrote

Mine haven't even decreased from summer to winter. Very consistent at 1 egg daily per.


[deleted] t1_j3r5sgm wrote

You’ll see a decrease in the second year winter. Typically hens lay right through the first winter without being affected by the photo period.

Consider a supplemental light for the second winter.


Black_Fish1 t1_j3r7jnf wrote

Why do people get so bent out of shape when the free market does free market stuff?


enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3sv63g wrote

Isn't complaining about high prices one of the things that makes the free market work?


Black_Fish1 t1_j3t41ap wrote

I always thought it was choosing to spend your money differently or not at all did that.


enemy_of_your_enema t1_j3t52yo wrote

Are we not allowed to talk about it? Or should we just make our consumer choices in silence?


artisanrox t1_j3tky18 wrote

You're allowed to talk about it until you're blue in the face but talking still isn't money lol


drunkmonkey176 OP t1_j3rfn9g wrote

Funny, in a free market I'm allowed to tell them to go to hell when they get too greedy.


godofleet t1_j3rnmqg wrote

amish are still selling eggs for $2 dozen... just sayin'


kathivy t1_j3qdjst wrote

It’s Veganuary 10th


pts1354 t1_j4df0oi wrote

How do you know if someone is vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you….


kathivy t1_j4dfuw2 wrote

How do you know if someone isn’t vegan? Don’t worry, they’ll tell you.


kyohrus t1_j3ox03u wrote

wow! not too long ago, we got fresh eggs from the amish farmers market for $3 something! obviously not THAT cheap but hey, we got double yokers in a few of them 😅


Hizoot t1_j3qwild wrote

At these prices, I agree they can stay on the shelves… But you know if you need eggs check around with your neighbors, owning chickens seems to be a trend and a lot of times they have more eggs than they know what to do with…


dippin20s t1_j3r6dfj wrote

please visit a local farm or even your neighbors. in north lanco you can find eggs for sale on almost every farms driveway lol


littlepinkpwnie t1_j3t3z7o wrote

I don't know if this helps but in my area Giant has eggs the cheapest, they're 5.72 and 5.39 at Walmart and Wegmans. I know for you it's the principle but, still any little bit helps.


Trout-Population t1_j3oxkgs wrote

Egg prices have increased by 50% over the last year. Its rediculous.


drunkmonkey176 OP t1_j3rfglx wrote

Chicken breast and thighs though are almost unchanged though. It has technically gone up to $2.49 a pound for breast at Walmart, but it's still constantly on sale for $1.99. I've been paying $1.99 for over ten years. If it went up as much as eggs have, it would be over $10 a pound.


pa_bourbon t1_j3u5960 wrote

We don’t eat the egg laying chickens. Different farms. The egg layers aren’t being hit as hard by the avian flu.


seriousfrylock t1_j3pmuei wrote

A few months ago I discovered I've developed a slight allergy to eggs. Runs in the family, I knew my time would come. I was really bummed about it, always enjoyed them and they're so convenient. At least it's saving me money now


bullwinkle510 t1_j3pq8ic wrote

Still $3 to $5 fo a dozen in northern berks farmers markets


Advanced-Guard-4468 t1_j3tkxi9 wrote

They are still cheaper than they were during the start of the pandemic when they were $59 for 3.5 doz.