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Electrical_Skirt21 t1_j3vtcgq wrote

There once was a woman named Brown

Who, without warning, skipped out of town

She was hangry and wearie

So she fucked off to Erie

And returned up 17 pounds


[deleted] OP t1_j3w6cg1 wrote

Not helpful and not cool dude


Electrical_Skirt21 t1_j3wa215 wrote

Alas, in the APB thread

Where people feign fear and dread

Because a woman is missing

And my tone was dismissing

But in fact she’s likely already dead


akennelley t1_j3xlzmb wrote

Its said your comment was bad taste

The rhymes you present go to waste

But I have the karma

And don't see the harm-a

So I say your limericks are based.


SomeHarmonica t1_j3w5suj wrote

cool rhymes but theres a time and place for it and this is not the time