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drxdrg08 OP t1_j6ark9k wrote

> Who doesn't consider those counties part of the Philadelphia area?

Again, the conversation is clearly about the city of Philadelphia itself.

> If Philly were able to remove itself from the state you would see very quickly everything in Philly would get better. Those hick towns wouldn't be able to do anything without all the sales tax philly sends to Harrisburg.

This idea presumes that the neighboring counties would send all their taxes to the the city of Philadelphia, instead of the whole state, thus Philadelphia would make out like a bandit.

I imagine if this ever was up for a public vote, the only people that would vote for it would live inside Philadelphia.


stuckonsometrain t1_j6auhxe wrote

I would imagine most of the people in the surrounding counties - especially Delco and Monco would identify closer to the city than the rural part of the state.

In your defense though I am unaware of the particulars of this hypothetical referendum you have created in your mind.