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Potativated t1_j42b5r4 wrote

You better leave that yinzer shit on the west side of the Poconos where it belongs, for starters.


hellohannahbanana OP t1_j42cwqa wrote

Yeah, I already addressed that in a previous comment but I must say your attitude is pretty inappropriate for a lighthearted recommendation request. I invite you to find the attention you desperately need elsewhere.


Potativated t1_j42fvcn wrote

I don’t understand how you live in NYC and can’t handle banter.


hellohannahbanana OP t1_j42j508 wrote

Lol! Go up to a NYer with that “banter” and let me know how it goes!


Potativated t1_j42lb2g wrote

Probably fine. They don’t seem like a sensitive bunch.


hellohannahbanana OP t1_j42n67k wrote

You clearly have never been to NYC then. To your point, I should have just told you to shut the fuck up and mind your own fucking business but since I’m originally from PA I thought I’d offer you a bit more respect. Reddit is always teaching me lessons!


Potativated t1_j42pp1t wrote

You, on the other hand, seem like you wouldn’t get along with the vast majority of people from the 5 boroughs. I would highly recommend keeping your sensitive and easily-insulted self out of Philly.