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Trout-Population t1_j6au1v2 wrote

I've been to WC many times and its a lovely town. Fairly diverse, especially in the non college part of the town, however I'd probably reccomend against moving there if you work in Center City. There are plenty of Suburbs that have reliable rail transport to the city, but WC isn't one of them, plus its an hour drive and that early morning blue route traffic is tourture.

I've never been to Media so I don't have much of an opinion there. Good luck on the search!


crankshaft123 t1_j6b1vev wrote

There's no reason to get on the Blue Route when commuting from WC to Center City.

322 to I95 is much faster. Yes, there's a bottleneck as 322 approaches I95, but it's a quicker route.