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drxdrg08 t1_j6kplzl wrote

> There is light rust on the underbody… will that make it fail?

What do you think?

On a scale of 0% to 100%, using all your intelligence and common sense, what do you think is the probability that light rust on the underbody makes a vehicle fail inspection in PA?


PivotalPosture OP t1_j6kqna8 wrote

I don’t know, I just moved here? There are no holes


drxdrg08 t1_j6kqu9o wrote

> I don’t know

I asked about your opinion, "using all your intelligence and common sense".


ewyorksockexchange t1_j6kusof wrote

C’mon man, you’re being really aggressive about this. It’s not out of the question that someone with little knowledge of cars, especially coming from a state that possibly doesn’t even have yearly inspections, would be worried about rust and PA’s arcane inspection requirements.

This is a Reddit forum, it’s not like this guy slapped a sandwich out of you hand and forced you to answer this question or something.


PivotalPosture OP t1_j6kqyx8 wrote

I mean, i don’t know… I have rust. No holes. What does PA typically fail for?


dalex89 t1_j6kt23d wrote

they fail for holes, even a little rust hole on the rear quarter panel above the rear well (looking at u honda)

the good news, i just throw a piece of tape over it and have never failed an inspection... after the first one i almost failed for not having a piece of tape on it


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j6kvnk7 wrote

Jesus fucking Christ. You are really this desperate to try and get a rise out of someone aren't you. Truly pathetic. Stop being a douche.