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JNDCLLC t1_j44tqu4 wrote

How about taking all that tax collected and fixing the roads?


Ihaveaboot t1_j44yq75 wrote

That's the crux of it. Where does the weed tax money get allocated? PA has more miles of roads than all of New England combined.

I've got nothing against legalization, but a big portion of that tax revenue has to be allocated to mundane infrastructure costs, at least if one considers it an alternative to gas taxes.


djarvis77 t1_j4634qf wrote

Weed isn't really legal in PA.

Weed is legal in PA like Oxy is legal in PA. Oxy is actually more legal than weed in PA. You don't need a special card to get Oxy, just a prescription.

Medical weed should not be taxed at all.


larrylee13 t1_j465ipg wrote

Weed also isn’t protected like Oxy. You can be fired for the prescription for weed but not for Oxy.


FlipSchitz t1_j467bxb wrote

I'm not a smoker, but I was under the impression that a medical MJ card afforded one certain protections as far as jobs go. This is based on hearsay, so I have no idea. I just find this surprising.

Edit: Jesus Christ y'all, what are you downvoting? I'm just trying to get clarifications. Also, What a backwoods, puritanical, state we live in where people can get in trouble for DUI even if you're not high.


larrylee13 t1_j467i0v wrote

No protections are allocated to anyone with a MMJ card due. Only thing my card is good for is buying it.


JetSetDynasty t1_j46dcn7 wrote

We are protected from the crime of possession within state lines. Cars and transport need much more clear definition, we need job protections, and we need less hostile police.

To say we have no protections, doesn’t help. We’re patients, not whiny stoners. We need to be clear and concise if we really want improvements to the system rather than people continuing to fuel their negative stereotypes.

We can buy it and possess it. That’s step one. We need to keep working to improve education of our people and our lawmakers especially. That’s the only way we’ll get things like home grow, price clarity or corporate accountability.


larrylee13 t1_j46eg47 wrote

Depending on the officer you are pulled over by they can still take my medication. They won’t do that with pills. Don’t be dumb. Saying I’m a whiny stoner for being a realist about comparing my protections to Oxy is hilarious. I can’t take my medicine with me on vacation like an Oxy script. I can be criminalized for medical marijuana for it being opened and no longer sealed. I open my pill containers multiple times with no risk of punishment.


JetSetDynasty t1_j48103o wrote

A lot of what your bringing up are issues bigger than PA MMJ.

Look up Civil Forfeiture. It’s terrifying. Cop’s definitely have abused their power to take tons of things for no real legal reason, mainly cash but also including prescriptions they “felt” weren’t proper for whomever they were interacting with.

When transporting any medical marijuana, put it in the trunk. Any cop is going to have a very hard time mounting a case to take it if there is no proof of impairment and you clearly can’t access it while you are driving. Until DUI rules get established for MMJ, this will always be a problem.

Transporting your medicine beyond state lines is a federal issue. Until it’s legal there, even medically, PA can’t do anything for you.

I honestly was not trying to call you a whiny stoner. My point was simply complaining isn’t going to get us any improvements when plenty of people in the state want it gone. They don’t give a shit that we have trouble. They see it as our price of business.

We need to be communicate effectively and efficiently if MMJ is ever going to be treated like any other prescription. Talk to your lawmakers and vote appropriately. That’s the only way shit will change.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j46dkin wrote

There are employers who will treat it as a regular prescription and ignore positive results but there is not any sort of blanket protection. Hell as a someone who has their mmj card, I could catch a DUI at any point even if I'm not actively high, as you can test positive day/weeks later depending on usage.


No-Setting9690 t1_j47r6be wrote

Weed has zero protections, the same with Tobacco. While one may be legal for rec use over the other, there are some jobs that will not hire you if you smoke Tobacco. Fucking weird world we live in. They can even fire you if they implement a policy about no tobacco smoking, does have to give you time to kick the habit.


Carl_the_neighbor t1_j46roou wrote

Anybody saying otherwise is Misinformed. You do get worker protections as long as you do it off the clock. I’m pretty sure it is also written that you can’t be denied employment based solely on a failed drug test. I remember reading it when I got my Med card. However, what I also did read is that there hasn’t been a case of it being taken to court so there isn’t any case law to back it up.


Mijbr090490 t1_j47fqx1 wrote

It is an at will state. They can simply say they found a better fit. Don't tell any employer you have a medical marijuana card. Best bet is to get clean or use fake piss. Protect yourself because the state won't.


Impressive_Bus11 t1_j4938og wrote

Pretty sure we have a court ruling that protects. MMJ users now. Not legislative though.


Excelius t1_j4664jk wrote

> Medical weed should not be taxed at all.

Apparently there is a 5 percent gross receipts tax, but MMJ is exempt from the state sales tax so it's kind of a wash.


Independent-Drive-18 t1_j46eqgs wrote

I pay 50 to 60 bucks for an oz costing 200 in PA. I am not saying how I get it without the taxes and other fees. But it's perfectly legal.


Mijbr090490 t1_j47f9x0 wrote

You also can't get a DUI days after using Oxy or be denied employment for taking it weeks before.


TwitterTapeParade t1_j49jpht wrote

They only want it legal so they can generate tax. They do not care about the welfare of Americans.


willclerkforfood t1_j45pj1y wrote

…or we can just use it to subsidize old people like we do with every other funding stream in the commonwealth


AbsentEmpire t1_j465hpa wrote

Or we can burn it to continue expanding free state police coverage for mostly Republican townships who are too cheap to pay for thier own police force but like to talk about fiscal responsibility all the time.


Critical_Band5649 t1_j46dyfd wrote

I live in a county where all local police forces have been disbanded. Every single township or borough depends on PSP because they can't afford them, it's ridiculous.


AbsentEmpire t1_j48il62 wrote

If individual townships truly can't afford their own police department, they should be able to apply for state coverage, but be assed a special tax to cover half the cost of the service if they want it.


Allemaengel t1_j45x81v wrote

Hey, hey, hey they're on "fixed incomes" unlike the rest of us moneybags with unlimited funds, lol.


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j4ael2k wrote

Or we can give it to one of the biggest group of state legislators in the country who also get a ton of perks, allowances, cost of living increases, and amazing health care during and after serving with a crazy good pension to boot.


dtcstylez10 t1_j45zw94 wrote

PA also has the most expensive tolls by about 2x the next closest state


StupiderIdjit t1_j469iay wrote

lol friend, the PA turnpike is literally the most expensive toll road in the world.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46s21x wrote

No, it isn't.


StupiderIdjit t1_j46uoh7 wrote

Dude, it literally is. Just Google "what is the most expensive toll road in the world"


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46uto2 wrote

Except it isn't, by mile. You're spouting Facebook grandpa stuff. The Tappan Zee bridge is 1400 feet long and costs nearly $5 to cross.


StupiderIdjit t1_j46vg8x wrote

That's a fucking bridge.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46vszn wrote

And the Turnpike is a 360 mile superhighway. If paying 31 cents per mile to drive end-to-end is too expensive for you, don't use it. No one is forcing you to.


CrzyDave t1_j48ejjj wrote

They just said it’s the most expensive road in the world. They didn’t even say they used it or not! What are you the commissioner? If so get back to work and off Reddit! No wonder it costs so much! 😂

I use it everyday but don’t care that it is expensive because I have a work provided EZpass.


Joe_Jeep t1_j461q3y wrote

And it doesn't cover the roads so...


Modestkilla t1_j47aeol wrote

I have to pay $13 a day in tolls to go to work. It is absolutely insane.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46rzc0 wrote

The thing about toll roads in PA is that you don't have to use them if you don't want to.


dtcstylez10 t1_j46so4e wrote

You have to drive from Philly to Pittsburgh. How are you getting there? Philly to Allentown? Or are you getting there? Private helicopter?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46td1x wrote

US-22 to US-322. If you can't afford the turnpike don't use it. Simple as that. No one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use it.


dtcstylez10 t1_j46ujk1 wrote

I think you're missing the point


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46uo6r wrote

I think you're missing the point.

You're paying for convenience. If you can't afford it take the long route. No one's forcing you to use it and you aren't owed a cheap superhighway.


dtcstylez10 t1_j46v1m7 wrote

So if PA were to tax you more than 2x the next closest state, you'd move right? Bc no one is forcing you to live here.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46v48y wrote

Is someone holding a gun to your head and forcing you to take the turnpike?
If you can't afford it, don't use it. I don't complain that I can't afford a Ferrari.


dtcstylez10 t1_j46vczb wrote

Wow. That's not even close to the same thing. I'm honestly dumber for having participated in this conversation. Thanks..bye.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j46vfun wrote

If you can't afford it, don't use it. It's that simple. No one is forcing you to use it.


Modestkilla t1_j47akhq wrote

Sure let me just add another hour to my already 2 hours of commuting a day.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j47aunr wrote

Nobody owes you a free superhighway to make your poor life choices easier to bear.
If you can't afford it, don't use it. No one is forcing you to use it.


Modestkilla t1_j49kpq3 wrote

Lmao i didn’t say I couldn’t afford it, but I already pay more than my fair share in taxes why should I have to pay even more for roads that should be paid for by my taxes?


PM_ME_DIRTY_DANGLES t1_j462xab wrote

Listen pal, the PSP isn't going to fund itself.


Tacodude5 t1_j4bfx78 wrote

Yeah how will they offer free policing to communities that don't pay for it


stacy_142 t1_j470y8y wrote

This is largely an issue with how the state( and most of North America) has developed itself. See this video series on land development for more information. It’s really interesting.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j476m58 wrote

In the post-WW2 era, the United States (via FHA) made a conscious decision to channel white people into artificial car-dependent country estates, and channel non-white people into city housing developments like Cabrini Green.
The United States also made the decision, via tax policy, to incentivize businesses to relocate near these artificial housing developments at the cost of cities. Surburban shopping malls were an accelerated depreciation scheme.

People did not choose to live this way and drive 40 miles a day organically, the government made it happen.


e30eric t1_j479676 wrote

> People did not choose to live this way and drive 40 miles a day organically, the government made it happen.

Oh man, I've got some bad news for you about who "the government" is in a democracy...


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j479cfp wrote

The US is a plutocracy and always has been. Decisions are made with a mind to how the rich benefit, and autocentric development has worked out really good for them.


e30eric t1_j47bq1j wrote

It is because that's what people voted and continue to vote for, simple as that. It isn't some natural order or outcome, there are similar democracies with fantastic infrastructure 🤷‍♂️


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j47bwim wrote

Medicare for all and legal marijuana are two of the most popular policies in America, across all sides of the political spectrum. They're never getting instituted because Washington represents the rich, not you or me.
The choice to strand white people out in segregated, car-dependent country estates was a deliberate policy decision that has been incredibly destructive to the American countryside and American way of life, but it benefited the right people and that's why it was done.

When you've got a spare hour or so, watch this:


e30eric t1_j47gao3 wrote

I completely disagree. Sure they are examples of a popular policy, but people vote for who they vote for and it's on all of us individually for getting what we deserve for those decisions. No person gets a special excuse for having a leopard eat their face just because a few rich pricks use their resources to convince them that it's patriotic to jump in the cage.

A few hundred billionaires can't control an unwilling population, only a willing one.

It's so odd that a country that beats its chest about personal responsibility struggles the most with this concept.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j47gpew wrote

Did you watch that documentary yet?


The electorate has a whole host of problems that we'd like to see addressed. This incoming House of Representatives is going to spend two years talking about Hunter Biden's dick instead. What the people vote for and what the people get are two very different things.


e30eric t1_j47ki21 wrote

Will do, thank you for sharing :)


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j4aez6x wrote

Wow. They have you completely brainwashed.


e30eric t1_j4b2n4p wrote

You think voters aren't responsible for their government in a democracy? What's brainwashed about pointing out the literal principal of what separates a democracy from other forms of government?

And Pennsylvania of all states 😂 The state that has been fooled into electing the same people for a few decades now, long enough for slow burn gerrymandering -- and then act all surprised pikachu that things no longer change or get better.