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NerdyRedneck45 t1_j46wkwi wrote

“open to public hunting and were in full compliance with Pa game law.”

“Was on the marked trail”

Both of these things can’t be true


illbeinthewoods t1_j479rm0 wrote

Why not? Marked trails often go through areas that are open for hunting. For example, the Donut Hole Trail goes through the Sproul state forest. The state forest is open to hunting and one could legally hunt while standing on the trail.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_j47c3fy wrote

I could swear there was a zone around marked trails but nothing I’m finding is backing that up. Might be wrong.


MeltFaceNotButter t1_j47slyj wrote

I hunt on marked trails all the time in Berks county. But I'm also super aware that there are often dogs, horses, and humans walking all over the place. Always need to triple check what you're shooting is in fact what you think it is, and if it's legal to hunt.


NerdyRedneck45 t1_j49stfm wrote

That’s a good call. I stay way out of the gamelands during popular seasons and wear orange the rest of the year. Our town has a nice history of shooting relatives every Turkey season.