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C4bl3Fl4m3 t1_j4782dy wrote

This is general advice for whenever you keep banging your head against a brick wall re: anything dealing with gov't.

Contact your applicable representatives. Esp. your House rep. They hire people for their office that are there explicitly to help constituents navigate gov't problems. Sometimes when nothing's happening for you, a call from a rep's office is just the push the relevant agency needs to really start getting things done, because now they know they're being watched and being held accountable. Plus, these agencies are sometimes used to working with these folks and the wheels are already greased for them.

This has worked for my PA mother with tax issues (she was called back by someone working for her rep that explicitly handles tax problems and only tax problems and they got things sorted out), this has worked for my partner in VA when the state tried to pull some blatantly illegal shit with layoffs/firing during COVID because that particular agency was being run like a corporation and didn't want to follow the emergency laws that the legislature passed.

Your reps are there to help you and make gov't work for you. It's what your tax dollars are paying them for. Utilize them.

Good luck!


invisiblearchives t1_j4b955s wrote

this - during covid when my UC claim went missing for 8+ months, one of the house rep's offices got me paid within 3 weeks.