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delcodick t1_j4g8125 wrote

So the 5th Ammendment doesn’t apply in Erie? Who knew 🤷‍♂️. There is so much wrong in this post I hardly know where to begin so I shall just lol and move along 🤣


discogeek t1_j4gg2qp wrote

Sad that reading comprehension isn't taught in Delco.


delcodick t1_j4ghd4w wrote

I have no Idea. I wasn’t educated in Delco. I did however manage to gain my law degree. Cry some more silly person 🤣


discogeek t1_j4gisai wrote

Wow they'll give a law degree to people that don't understand basic Constitution 101. No wonder this state is in such dire straits.


delcodick t1_j4gj14i wrote

Quit day drinking dude. You are just compounding your stupidity at this point. 🤣.