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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j50hbfh wrote

To be clear, higher education is good for society and good for everyone.
Gatekeeping access to the middle class by requiring people to go into six figures of debt to make $60K a year, not so much.
We need to make higher public education free for all who want it and be done with it.


artful_todger_502 t1_j52gx1g wrote

I totally agree. Education is what will make us a first-world country. That is why certain entities are terrified of it and vociferously against it. When I was younger, there was no stigma with not going to college. Some kids were college, some were trades. I wish we would get back to that. A system that demands a ransom/loansharking scheme for a career needs to go. Anything that can force the system back to a place where non-degreed people can have nice things would be a huge step to economic parity.

I will spare you the details of us trying to figure out my Wifes loans. 25 years and it didn't seem to budge. She eventually did qualify for the educator relief, but what we found out, or didn't, as it were, was mind-numbing. There was no one, over the course of at least 200 phone calls, who could tell us how her interest was accruing. They also lost 24x$400.00, or two years of payments. Just gone. It can't be fixed.