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Odd-Seaworthiness330 t1_j56qi1o wrote

This is total baloney. 1 man 1 vote. You don’t get a unlimited edited vote dependent on the number of people running. Sorry for me this plain does not work.


Unfamiliar_Word t1_j578cq7 wrote

Arguably, there is only one vote, it's simply transferred among candidates until there is a majority winner. Interestingly, there are variant counting methods for the single transferable vote, which is the multiple-winner version of 'RCV' and actually preceded it, wherein votes are counted fractionally, so one vote may count for multiple candidates, but only partially.

Closer to 'unlimited votes' would be something like range voting and arguably approval voting.

Even accepting your complaint, two basic questions arise.

  1. Why should, "1 man one vote' dictate what is acceptable in voting systems.
  2. Do you consider Australia and Ireland, which uses ranked voting systems universally, to be undemocratic or otherwise defective?