Submitted by finallyalright t3_10jfebs in Pennsylvania

I recently graduated with a professional degree. This is my second degree and I am currently employed.

The last two weeks I've started applying for jobs in this field. I am open to relocation and am not tied down to my current area. I live in NY and applied to surrounding states and NYC. Haven't gotten too much of a response.

However, I applied to a bunch of jobs in PA all over the state and weirdly got a lot of responses. They were mostly in central PA and areas of Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading, York etc. Also received a response from Pittsburgh area. Some of the responses are from large corporations.

Does PA have good employment prospects or something? I was kind of taken back. I've done a bit of research and some of these cities seem like not great places to live. But it seems Philly is not too far away.

I was kind of dismissive of these prospects at first because I know PA has a lot of depressed areas that I couldn't really see myself living in. But it also seems like maybe a good opportunity to get decent work experience. Perhaps these areas have other surrounding areas or other metros nearby that are nice to live in?

I'm hesitant to move to an area just for work and hate life though.

EDIT: Forgot to add that I have childhood friends who moved to Scranton/Wilkes Barre and seem to like it yet also disparage/mock the area.



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69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kco91 wrote

Always fun to see people act like Pennsylvania is some kind of backwater state, when it's the sixth most populous state in the country with the sixth largest economy.


glitch83 t1_j5kn6oy wrote

Sure, but we don't really help the matter much by using phrases like "Pennsyltucky". You can imagine people from the outside see these things too and want to avoid that kind of stuff.


Extreme_Qwerty t1_j5keexw wrote

That doesn't mean it isn't a backwater.

PA is where I was born and raised and it's turning into Kentucky.


PregnantSuperman t1_j5knvzu wrote

Go to the rural parts of California and you'll find the same thing. Red all over. This is not a PA specific problem and it kinda bugs me when people think we're some kind of redneck shithole.


hellohannahbanana t1_j5oau2t wrote

Hell, go a little ways upstate NY and you’ll run into some backwoods hillbillies. Kentucky can be just about anywhere.


GTholla t1_j5yrocc wrote

tbh I feel like they should just call that area kentuckyfornia or something to that effect


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kezem wrote

The great majority of Pennsylvanians live in urbanized areas. The only reason it seems like it's turning into Kentucky is because the people who are making that happen are incredibly loud for their limited numbers.


thepennsyltuckyin t1_j5kknrt wrote

Pennsylvania has the 3rd highest rural population per capita. PA gets hella rural when you get out of the southeast.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kl87b wrote

3.4 million Pennsylvanians, out of 12.96m, live in rural areas according to that link you posted and then deleted. That means that 73.7% of Pennsylvanians, the great majority of the state, live in urbanized areas.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kmapp wrote

What I'm getting from this is that the great majority of Pennsylvanians live in urbanized areas.


Aribaye t1_j5m8tjh wrote

I think you’re getting the rural population percent confused with the rural land area percent.


thepennsyltuckyin t1_j5magff wrote

Unless I looked at it wrong the linked I posted is saying that PA has the third largest rural population per capita. Not by numbers. I could have interpreted it wrong. I was only really trying to make a point that per capita PA's residents are more "rural" than other states people think of as more rural.


LookinToHomestead t1_j5lnmv5 wrote

I can be to downtown Pittsburgh in a 20-25 minute drive if I head one way. If I head the opposite way, I can pet farm animals within 10-15 minutes.


KyleRichXV t1_j5ociul wrote

Right? We’re far from perfect and the roads are shit but we have much more going for us than Pennsyltucky


petefromeastpete t1_j5k50wa wrote

Honestly, the way you’ve written about the state makes me say no, it isn’t for you. Don’t come here, you won’t enjoy it and you’ll end up bitter about it. That’s just my two cents based off the few paragraphs you wrote, but it seems you’ve already made up your mind and have preconceived ideas about what you’d find here.

I love our state, I’ve been all over it and think it’s great, but it’s not for everyone and if someone comes in having already decided not to like it, nothing I can say will sway them.

Each of the areas you’ve mentioned have something going for them. They’ve got active businesses, they’re at least stable if not growing, they have culture and restaurants and generally some sort of nightlife. You haven’t told us specifically what you like to do, but if you can’t be happy in any of the places you mentioned — especially Lancaster, Pittsburgh, or the Lehigh Valley — then I think you should keep trying for somewhere you know you’ll be happy.


eviljelloman t1_j5knfhx wrote

Your biases against Pennsylvania are fucking stupid. New York (state) has just as many inbred hick, backwater bullshit towns as Pennsylvania. In fact, there are more of them - because they get snowed in every year and you lose access to civilization.

NYC and Philly are pretty comparable - both big cities with the pros and cons of big cities.

Outside of there, it's a crap shoot - like literally every other state. Some places fucking suck, some places are amazing - like literally every other state.


If all you think of when you picture Pennsylvania is Centralia and meth trailers, you're being fed a bunch of bullshit.


The_Jib t1_j5kxiya wrote

This is the response I wanted to leave but didn’t want to make the effort. Thank you for typing all of this out


inflatabledancintube t1_j5yq517 wrote

as a new yorker about to move to pittsburgh, i cannot abide “nyc and philly are the same” 😜


IamSauerKraut t1_j5k2uwz wrote

"I applied to a bunch of jobs in PA all over the state and weirdly got a lot of responses. They were mostly in central PA and areas of Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading, York, etc. Also received a response from Pittsburgh area. Some of the responses are from large corporations."

Why is it weird to get responses when applying for jobs? Isn't that the idea? If you get invited in for a job interview, do you think that is weird, too?


finallyalright OP t1_j5kv97k wrote

It was a bit surprising because there seemed to be a higher response rate.


teneyk t1_j5lysrf wrote

Those areas are expanding and need people to help it expand. The NYC area is built up so it’s redevelopment.

Every state has more and less desirable areas.

Maybe you should take a trip to these areas to see them.


Allemaengel t1_j5kiksf wrote

Based on how you worded things, I'd say you'd ultimately be happier seeking employment in NY where you already are.


finallyalright OP t1_j5kvbxn wrote

I'm wondering this too. My issue with NY is I live near NYC and the cost of living is very high


Allemaengel t1_j5ld6hf wrote

Well, I've lived in various parts of Pennsyltucky my entire life and if you're from the NYC metro and like the culture, diversity, and fun aspects of living there, you're not likely going to have a good time out here.

I now live where the New Yorkified Poconos sort of transitions into the rest of NEPA and think maybe you'd like the Stroudsburg-Milford-Hawley-Honesdale corridor. Also the Mount Pocono area might be a consideration.


finallyalright OP t1_j5mkbn3 wrote

I've been to Honesdale and milford before.


510granle t1_j5o2zjt wrote

If raising a family is in your near future, then there are plenty of wonderful places to settle. We moved to Harrisburg area from New Orleans for that purpose (and family in adjacent states) and it turned out great. Great education, calm easy life, low cost, but we do have to travel for entertainment (Philly, Balt 90 minutes away, NYC DC and Delaware beaches are 3hrs). Highly recommend!


Kneedeep_in_Cyanide t1_j5nss18 wrote

Bucks County PA is full of people who live here but work in NYC. Live in the lower end around Falls/Morrisville go across the river and catch the train in Trenton to the city.


Unique-Public-8594 t1_j5k82r8 wrote

While you are in salary negotiations for a specific job offer, go there and tour prospective rentals. Then use that information to negotiate adequate pay to cover housing.


1989throwa t1_j5lfd53 wrote

First, an acknowledgement that moving "Just for work" has been the usual pattern of human migration in the US for a very long time.

Secondly, if you are indeed moving "just for work" you can always move out "just for work" too.

Personally, I think that Pennsylvania is on the up and up economically. After neoliberal globalization kicked us in the shin/balls/gut, our urban regions and colleges/universities took it on themselves to promote innovation and investment. The transformation feels like it has been taking a long ass time, but we are finally getting there.

Pennsylvania's geography and history has given us a lot of different regional identities (it has lessened recently, but even in the mid 20th century we had something like 5 distinct accents). Even our counties have great variety within them (on the whole that is. Forest County is woods, villages, and a state prison).

What I am getting at here is that your question is flawed. Sure you move to a State, but more importantly is the fact that you are moving to a particular municipality and region.

From how you were talking about the Commonwealth, I doubt we would be the right fit for you.

BUT since you are asking us PA Redditors, I suggest you take time to visit the areas you got responses from. Go to restaurants and ask your servers what the like and don't like about living here. Take walks in the neighborhoods and areas where you would likely spend time if you did move here.

If you want to ask about specific regions, counties, cities, and towns we can offer you more specific help that way, but if you are just coming to r/Pennsylvania to be gobsmacked that we have an economy that has job prospects, we don't have time for that


dancingprotein t1_j5krmlv wrote

Yes, Pennsylvania has a great job sector for people with masters degrees. Probably among the best in the country. It’s the main reason I moved to the state


eviljelloman t1_j5la97s wrote

People seem to forget how many really great colleges are in this state, and the sheer volume of people who get educations here - not all of them stick around, but there are an awful lot of folks with advanced degrees doing cool shit. You mix our strong industrial history with the ability to train people to innovate the heck out of those industries and you get a lot of good jobs.


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j5k3ekw wrote

It's a mixed bag. Outside the cities, opportunities are scarce for many professional fields, and while those jobs exist in the cities, competition is fierce.

Depending on your field, you may be more in demand. A specialist is going to naturally get more opportunities.

Similarly, coming from out of state makes you an interesting commodity, because if you live here, your first reaction is to wonder why someone else would want to come here.

All that said, the pay will probably be less than what you expect / hope, but the cost of living isn't generally terrible here, so it might balance out. I might abandon the idea that, "Oh, maybe it's better nearby," though. Typically, it's not.


Patiod t1_j5zkykl wrote

Isn't the COLA in Pittsburgh extremely low in comparison to comparable cities? (high compared to Carnegie maybe but low compared to like Boston)


WhenRobLoweRobsLowes t1_j5zs5t3 wrote

It is, but there's two factors in play.

First, we're catching up to everyone else fast. Housing prices are increasing, in some places dramatically. It will take time for us to rival some places, but I believe it will be here faster than most expect.

Two, the pay isn't increasing along with the cost of living. Wages are stagnant, and industry is stalled. It's perfectly common to see jobs asking people to do the work of three people but not paying what a single one of those people should be making.

Not a great combination.


[deleted] t1_j5k641y wrote

As an Ohioin living in PA this is absolutely correct. You’ll move here and be like “umm… why’d I do this.” Most professional jobs are relegated to Harrisburg, Philly suburbs, or Pittsburgh. York is a mixed bag and doesn’t have a lot to offer in my personal opinion.

If you want opportunities that offer a nice slow Midwestern lifestyle with a professional environment that have good to great pay look at Columbus, Ohio, Cincinnati, Ohio, or Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.

“Columbus outpaced the average, with job growth of 14% compared from 2021. Cincinnati's growth surpassed Columbus at 15.2%, and Cleveland trailed Columbus with job growth below the national average at 11.3%.”


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5kcj79 wrote

Columbus is basically a bunch of shitty suburbs stitched together into a "city" and it should be illegal to recommend that people move there.


Whole_Region_1993 t1_j5klzgr wrote

Lived in Columbus for 5 years and moved to the suburbs of Pittsburgh 2 years ago. I’m so happy we left Ohio. Ohio is so flat and boring with very little opportunity for outdoor activities. At least in PA there is actual hiking, mountain biking, skiing, etc.


PPQue6 t1_j5kn37m wrote

I've lived in Columbus as well (Westerville) and I have to say it's a fantastic city, but its main issue is that it's Ohio...


[deleted] t1_j5knboz wrote

I will absolutely agree that PA has a lot to do in terms of nature and is beautiful to boat and hike in.


finallyalright OP t1_j5kv75w wrote

Yea, I was actually wondering about maybe applying to places in Ohio too. My cousin moved to Columbus Ohio area and still lives there after 1-2 years.


[deleted] t1_j5kve8f wrote

I highly recommend it. But if you want to know more about Ohio post to the Ohio Reddit group.


pedantic_comments t1_j5knx91 wrote

This would be like if I moved from Pittsburgh, PA to Lima, OH and wondered why it sucks.

If you’re more comfortable in a backwards Republican theocracy, I’d think York would be a good spot.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j5kho94 wrote

Okay. I've live in central Pennsylvania for most of my life, although my childhood was in the Philly suburbs. So I can definitely give you a solid opinion on the area having lived here for 15+ years. I can't speak on Pittsburgh though, because it's not in central PA and I've only visited once or twice.

Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading and York are all 4 very different areas. In fact, you can't even really group them together.

For one, Allentown is actually the 3rd most populated city in Pennsylvania and not even part of central Pennsylvania, but I've been there a couple of times so I can still provide some comments. It is very hit or miss. My mother lives there and hates it, but I don't think it's that bad. Of course, my mother is more of a nature loving person. Allentown is more "industrialized", compared to the other 3. Even Harrisburg is smaller (in terms of population and opportunities) by comparison. I don't think you'd have issues with finding a job here given the population.

Speaking of which, Harrisburg is weird. It is the capitol of Pennsylvania and that's about the only significant part of it. If it wasn't for being the capitol, it would practically be a ghost town. The only real reason to want to move to Harrisburg is if you're accepting a government job with the state or such, because the area doesn't have many worthwhile employment opportunities outside of that. Take it from someone like myself who lived there for 10+ years.

In fact, I moved to Lancaster last year partially because of that reason. I know you didn't mention it, but Lancaster has a lot of start-up companies and is growing both economically and population wise. Much more rural than any of the other cities you listed though. Also more expensive to live in compared to the others and more gentrified.

I've been to York a number of times. If you want to talk about economically depressed cities, then look no further. Sorry York residents, but every time I've driven through York, the city just looks trashy and sad. But if you're looking for employment opportunities, then it's the place to be mostly because no one wants to live there. So you'll never not have a job. Can't speak on how your quality of life would be though.

That leaves Reading. I thought about moving to Reading before I decided on Lancaster and I'm kind of glad that I didn't. It reminds me a lot of the issues that York has (trashy and sad), but also add a ton of trucking companies. A lot of tractor-trailers travel through Reading. So if you're looking to get into logistics and such, then it's probably a good place for that.

Hope that helps! It wouldn't surprise me that you're getting a lot of responses for jobs. Pennsylvania does have a ton of jobs. Central Pennsylvania especially has a need for young professionals and graduates. The real issue is if you actually want to live here though. Some cities are depressing and we shouldn't sugarcoat it. Also if you're coming from NYC, just be prepared that you are going to be in for a serious culture shock.


anxiousbarista t1_j5md40q wrote

Shhh, let's keep Lancaster our secret. It's getting so populated that it's starting to lose its charm.

I totally agree about York, I lived there for 4 years and hated every moment of it. You could just tell everyone else was miserable being there too. I moved back to Lancaster County as soon as I could.


agiab19 t1_j5zmnoj wrote

The same is happening with state college, the traffic is getting so bad and the big buildings downtown … when I first moved there it was so nice because the architecture was of small town, but the food delivery was great, lots of 24/7 places. Now it’s big buildings and everything closes at 9/10 pm except a few places. Now we moved out to a more rural area, we still don’t have the deliveries we had before but now the cost of living is better and we don’t have to deal with traffic unless we go to downtown area during busy hours


antagron1 t1_j61q8ay wrote

Traffic in State College is definitely not “bad”. It might be slow for 4 blocks as you move through downtown. Try being stuck in a 2 hour stop and go jam in the 405 in LA at midnight on a weekday due to traffic volume alone


agiab19 t1_j6i8jxe wrote

Compared to a big city like LA, yeah it’s not that bad. But compared to what it was a few years ago, it’s getting bad


gj13us t1_j5m27o7 wrote

This is spot on. Completely agree.

I moved to Hbg in the early 1990s. Living there is like living in Walmart. It has the basics you need but who wants to live in Walmart?

Moved to Lancaster in the mid 1990s and love it


Patiod t1_j5zkior wrote

One of my friends works for the govt and has an apt in Hbg and a house on the Main Line. She find Hbg weird, creepy and empty.

EDIT: She agrees with the commenter who said everyone knows each other from high school or previous work for the govt.


finallyalright OP t1_j5kv0lw wrote

Yea, I was taken back by how many responses I got from PA. And most of them were from Harrisburg area it seems. I'm actually from upstate NY, not NYC. Which of course has plenty of depressing cities.


oglabradoodle t1_j5ljdw2 wrote

I’ve been living in Harrisburg since 2020 and I am actively looking to get out. Covid hit this area hard and made meeting people much more difficult. It’s mostly come back, but I notice that most people know each other from high school/college & aren’t overly friendly (this may just be where I’ve hung out). I made a lot of friends through my job, but every young person wants to get out. I have about 2 of my 10 friends left.

If you had to do central PA, I’d say do the city of Lancaster. It has a much more upbeat downtown area. I’ve had fun every time I’ve visited there, but it is more expensive than Harrisburg.


finallyalright OP t1_j5lm47v wrote

Thanks for letting me know. Honestly meeting people is my main concern.


gj13us t1_j5m2kw5 wrote

I had the same experience in Harrisburg in the early 1990s. Some things never change.

I’ve been living in Lancaster since the mid 1990s and love it.


--Cr1imsoN-- t1_j5mhg15 wrote

Yes!!! Get out when you can!! I also left after the pandemic! I know exactly what you mean and I think a lot of people are just in denial of how badly the pandemic has effected Harrisburg. There are still tons of businesses that are closed and it seems like it is permanent.


C4bl3Fl4m3 t1_j5lc9df wrote

Well, you don't really tell us what you're looking for in where you live. What kind of place makes you happy? What kind of place makes you hate life? What kind of people do you like to live around, what kinds of things do you like to do? What do you feel makes a city/area great?

FWIW, PA pretty much has it all, from wooded rural areas to a number of different big cities, so I think where in PA (if PA at all) will depend on your tastes.


toadog t1_j5oi42k wrote

Not too many mentions of Pittsburg here, which seems to be universally considered a great place to live. It's a major tech center with top notch universities. It would be worth considering.


swissmtndog398 t1_j5kg0ud wrote

Serious question, and hear me out as it's going to start off strange. Are you white, or a minority? If it's the latter, I'd stick to the urban/suburban areas. I'm in Perry, north of Harrisburg. There's a reason Pennsyltucky is shaped like a cross when you take out the four corners. You can find nice people, but there's also a rather sizable element that thinks it's still the 1950s.


finallyalright OP t1_j5kve9q wrote

I'm white, but I've heard of what you are describing about PA.


swissmtndog398 t1_j5l0pm1 wrote

Yeah, I'm dating myself here, but I grew up in berks County in the 70s and 80s. I was there as a young kid when the Klan used to hand out literature at my town square. They aren't THAT open here, but the attitude is very familiar. Like, the music shuts off in the bar when a POC walks in.

I've lived in the SE portion of the state and the north central. In the present, this area is the worst per capita I've seen. It's beautiful country, lots of open space if you're into the outdoors (we're not even impressed seeing eagles anymore), VERY inexpensive (My house payment for a 3br on 10 acres is less than the rent on a 1br apartment, but it's backwards. Good luck in whatever you decide.


Logical-Cheetah-0519 t1_j5n3law wrote

The 70s and 80s was a looong time ago. People here have changed in PA for the better.


agiab19 t1_j5znqt1 wrote

I agree. I’m an immigrant and I had no issues so far. People are mostly very nice and polite. There are a few grumpy people around but nothing directed at me personally.


swissmtndog398 t1_j5l1176 wrote

Oh, I did forget to mention... the Harrisburg/Mechanicsburg/ Camp Hill areas and State College are quite the opposite. They're like little islands of normalcy. You will, however, pay a premium to live there.


Significant_Level_51 t1_j5lpw9f wrote

Yeah that’s an understatement. I just saw a one bedroom listed for $1300 in State College.


moist-astronaut t1_j5mca63 wrote

yeah tbh nearly everything is catered to students in state college these days (more so than they already were). a bunch of high rises are going in for "student housing" but even that is only really accessible to students who come from money.


agiab19 t1_j5zohz2 wrote

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons we left to a smaller town area. We are about an hour from state college now, so we can still visit during summer activities ( I just love the Memorial Day fest and arts fest) but the house we are living now would be about $1 million in state college. Not worth it in my opinion, especially nowadays


bowlegged_barbarian t1_j5l0e6y wrote

I moved to Nashville once and it was “just for work” but I ended up liking it (I moved back to PA after the I got laid off during the pandemic). But I think if you went to the right neighborhood in Pittsburgh or Philly the same thing would happen to you…


SunstruckMorning t1_j5lpojr wrote

If you’re getting a high up job in York, life will be good for you. It’s a very industrial county but there are a few corporate jobs there & your quality of life will be good if that’s the case.


SunstruckMorning t1_j5lpw38 wrote

If you want something more urban, I’d go with allentown since it’s the third biggest city in PA.


PGHNeil t1_j5m1nb3 wrote

Of your responses I'd do homework into the cost of living. If you want to be close to NY state or NYC then Scranton makes the most sense. Lackawanna county tends to be more liberal than rural areas. I-81 will take you up to Binghamton. NY; Rt 6 will take you up toward the Finger Lakes, I-84 will take you into Port Jervis, NY and I-80 will pretty much take you into Harlem, NYC.

The Lehigh valley also seems to be turning around economically but I don't believe that professional degrees are in high demand. Instead, I'd recommend looking at the Philly metro and living someplace close to a SEPTA train stop. I lived in King of Prussia and the Main Line (rt. 30 with towns like Devon and St. David's) was a nice area with regards to amenities. Rt. 202 into Chester county also seems to be getting built up but I wouldn't recommend community via car into the city.

Finally, there's also Pittsburgh. It's a little bit of a mix of Appalachia/Great Lakes/Midwest with lots of rust belt relics but business prospects are probably better than in the Lehigh valley. The downside is that the closest part of NY is Lake Chataqua with the closest major city in NY being Buffalo which is about 4 hours away.


BluCurry8 t1_j5mvhie wrote

Well I ended up in the Lehigh Valley for the past 24 years to be with my husband. He came to Allentown for his first job out of college and stayed. No it is not New York or Philadelphia but we like it here. I grew up outside of Philadelphia and my husband is from Maryland. There are great restaurants and all the towns off something different. The hiking is great and skiing. It just depends on what you are interested in!


drewbaccaAWD t1_j5mlt3b wrote

>I was kind of dismissive of these prospects at first because I know PA has a lot of depressed areas that I couldn't really see myself living in. But it also seems like maybe a good opportunity to get decent work experience. Perhaps these areas have other surrounding areas or other metros nearby that are nice to live in?


Most likely the jobs available to you are not in those depressed areas, making it a non-issue.

If you need work experience, take the best offer currently on the table, and move elsewhere when you have more experience if the soon-to-be-current job/location isn't a good fit.

Pennsylvania is a big state, with a large population, and it's a mixed bag. It's also not a destination state so more people leave than come in, then add retirement to that equation, and *poof* you have jobs needing filled.

I've lived in Philly, Chicago, San Diego, Phoenix, and Seattle as far as larger cities go... I'm currently in one of those depressed areas; it suits me for the time being, but I have family here and I'm middle aged. Even the depressed areas aren't terrible overall, but given that you're presumably young and single and looking to socialize and date and maybe meet someone, I'd try to stick closer to Philly.

Scranton/Wilkes Barre is probably a good place to buy a house and raise a family while still being close enough to NYC to escape for some occasional culture. It's also a lovely area to explore the outdoors. But I'd disparage and mock the area too if I was a 20 something hoping to party and date.

Harrisburg, Allentown, Reading, York... all very different cities with different pros/cons. Harrisburg has a little more of that urban feel, lots of people with a graduate degree, some decent restaurants and options, and then that drops off entirely about five miles out from city center. But people there are educated, curious, healthy. Can't speak for Allentown but it's close to a lot of things so it has that going for it if you like road trips. Reading is not all that vibrant but close enough to Philly to escape and it's a large enough city to have a lot of options for food/shopping/etc. York is ultra-conservative and dull, but a decent place to raise a family and an easy escape to Baltimore or Philly for a weekend.

With the exception of Philly proper, you'll find that most places in PA are optimal if you have the ability to travel a lot and don't mind road trips... there's a lot in to do in the state but it's spread out. Pittsburgh is good too but it might feel a bit like you're the big fish in a little pond, depending on your expectations and what you are used to. The nice thing about Pittsburgh is it's a really good hub to visit Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, DC, and Philly without too much travel time... I really like it as a home base, of sorts, but it's no where near as exciting as living in Philly, Chicago, San Diego, or Seattle were for me. That said, it still has lots to do and feels like it's slowly trending in a better direction.


finallyalright OP t1_j5ms22w wrote

Thanks for the response. I agree that an area near Philly is probably best. I've been to scranton many times. Don't think I could see myself living there but I know many people who love it there.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_j5mxksq wrote

I'm going posit that the reason you so many more responses from PA than NY is probably…the luck of the draw.

It sounds like you don't have so much of a reason to pass up these offers. You won't be too far from “home.” Take an offer and see if you like it here.

It's pretty easy to get form Allentown/Bethlehem to NYC. From Lancaster, Harrisburg or York, it's farther, but the train makes it easy.

If it's not a fit, in a year or two, circulate your resume again. This time, you'll have experience, and it will be easier to find a job where you like.


Logical-Cheetah-0519 t1_j5n1d53 wrote

It's a great opportunity for you to try something different from what you're used to. Do it!!! The cost of living in most of PA is wicked cheap!!!! I grew up in a small town in PA close to the NY border and loved that I could go hiking/horseback riding/4 wheeling in the Allegheny National Forest at any time.

I lived in Pittsburgh for a year after college...AWESOME city. So much fun, yet relaxed and easy going. After that I moved to southern NH and then Anapolis, MD area for a little bit. Now I'm back home in PA...great place to raise kids.

Did I mention WICKED LOW COST OF LIVING? Live here for a couple years, try things out and save a ton of money. Then you can go anywhere your heart desires.

Have fun! Try new things!!!


basement-thug t1_j5r82ua wrote

I mean it's highly dependent on what is important to you. We were relocated here from Indiana for an engineering job and have lived in several other states. PA is one I won't miss when we eventually move on from here. It's basically like a lot of other states though, the cities have more liberal people/policies and then there's the rest of the state which is very red.

We are in Lancaster County, 2 miles off the turnpike, 45 minutes from West Philadelphia, 2 hours from NYC. It's mostly a bunch of Trumpers and Bible thumpers in the rural area but getting to civilization doesn't take long. You figure out how to avoid most of the locals. I'd recommend looking at the West Chester area if you have the financial means, professional job opportunities should be pretty good there and you can stay out of hicktown and avoid the Amish buggies.


lions13 t1_j5ry86x wrote

As a current (recent) Pittsburgher and former Jersey girl (also lived a few other places in the south)... it depends. I'm still getting used to PGH and there are things I love (ie CARNEGIES are freaking world class museums, I LOVE the sports culture in Pittsburgh even though some are rivals of my teams. I've already adopted the Pirates [yes, I know their record....]). There's things thay aren't so great (infrastructure is pretty terrible, weather isn't my cup of tea). PA is massive though and there's definitely pros and cons for each area.

Another thing to consider is your support. Your hesitance on PA may be bc you're in your social/famial comfort zone in NY. We were 30min from one side of our family but now it's over 4hrs to drive to the PA/NJ border. Philly is really not far from NYC, and there's reasonable public transit between them. There's also a reason for the trope of moving to NYC for better pay (though somewhat less so the last few years). On that note, the cost of living difference did kind of flatten out so PA was not as "cheap" as it was made out to be, even for PGH. Even still, it's been pretty common for large and midsize companies to move out of NY/NJ and into PA and the Ohio River Valley for cheaper options the last few years, so many have lightened their NYC-Philly corridor offices.

Also, trashing places you live is kinda a thing for NJ and NYers. Like, I totally complained about Jersey and NYC (frickin GWB is all I'll say here), but I would move back in a heartbeat if it made sense for my family. And we pretty much trash talk every where else too and are surprised when people get defensive, even though we're the same way with NY/NJ - includingtrash talking each other. It's a weird relationship. And definitely a local culture thing to consider, but also remember there are lots of NY/NYC/NJ/Philly crossover and transplants, and central PA is very similar to Upstate.

Long day so nonsensical ramblings may occur.


akadmin t1_j5wemq2 wrote

I work in Harrisburg and commute like 35 mins (purely highway) from the northern Lebanon area and it's a nice balance. A zillion places to go fishing, the weather is never really too extreme, cost of living is cheap, it's still fairly rural, and you can make good money in/around the city


ChipKellysShoeStore t1_j5m6izw wrote

You should check out Philly tbh. It’s cheaper than New York but a little grungier and smaller


Successful-Land8681 t1_j5mga8v wrote

I’ve lived in a few states (Indiana, North NJ, and PA). My family and I relocated back to PA mostly for cost of living and a better balance of life. Work is work and the time you are at work is part of life, but I will say simple things like going to the store and running errands are not as time consuming and cumbersome.

It is certainly a change of pace with less of the 24hr access to bars and restaurants, but in the long run I’m a firm believer that it’s a good life.

I grew up outside of Reading and while the city has seen better days, the surrounding areas are pretty nice.


Pink_Slyvie t1_j5ndkxh wrote

Don't move anywhere until you find a job, and recognize that you are disposable.

It's one of the reasons buying a house is so hard now, no promises we will have a job here in a few years.


EricJonZambrano t1_j5ouj4y wrote

I moved here from NYC 7 years ago for the same reason. And I’ve met many who have done the same. Work is work but getting used to living in PA can be difficult cause it is far different from NY and NJ but with many jobs moving out here that may not be for very long. I live in York and they are putting in casinos and other things to attract more people. It’s growing but I can’t say it’s anything like NY or NJ.


quoimeme t1_j5pg6y4 wrote

Scranton specifically is one of the most depressed cities on the Eastern part of the state - I’d personally stay away from there, the Poconos are a good alternate if you like that climate and nature. Lancaster, Philly and the Lehigh Valley (Easton, Bethlehem) are solid places to be, mind you the suburbs around these places are also very similar to where you currently live just in a different state.


Brandar87 t1_j5pxrjw wrote

I live in Wilkes Barre currently, it's not bad but yeah making fun of it is just what we do.


theyeoftheiris t1_j5qcxxp wrote

A lot of PA is Pennsyltucky but a lot of it isn't. I, for one, love Scranton. My dream is to live there one day.

I think it's worth considering.


Joenoob864 t1_j5u78xf wrote

Hiking, Camping and sight seeing!


Sensitive_Job_7164 t1_j61cyv6 wrote

Pa is divided too much. In the cities and in the woods you got two completely different types of people, and they dislike each other.


jillianpikora t1_j5mlfwd wrote

If you like hunting, hiking, reading a book alone on a rainy night, or going to bars to watch a game, playing trivia, or karaoke; and you just forgot to mention all, that then sure, consider it. Or if it is a hybrid/remote position and you plan to travel and just enjoy the slightly more affordable cost of living when you're in the state, great go for it...Otherwise, I think you'll be miserable.


Jotakave t1_j5mwi9y wrote

I live in Pittsburgh and we get amazing concerts all year long. We have museums, lectures by famous writers, international dance companies coming. We have amazing microbreweries, distilleries and restaurants, bakeries, ice cream and coffee. We have outdoor options very close to the city and in the city, golf and disc golf courses, hiking trails and skiing an hour away. Dog parks. Kayaking. Climbing gyms and indoor bicicross facilities. City biking groups/meetups. Urban gardening. There are sooooo many things to do. I think you’re view of our state is pretty limited.


jillianpikora t1_j5phxfh wrote

I'm in Harrisburg, which is closer to some of the places the OP mentioned. Pittsburgh is over 4 hours from me and Philly is nearly as far due to traffic, so if the OP is willing to travel then they will be fine. In terms of writers, I managed a book store in central Pennsylvania for a bit, and lectures or events with authors are definitely some things Pennsylvanians should boast about as they are quite good throughout the state. You are correct, u/Jotakave the climbing and biking groups in central PA are good too, I kinda forgot about them since I haven't been since 2020 (prepandemic). As a reporter, I say be mindful of where you are biking, as the crashes have been higher than usual for a few years now, at least in central PA.


Jotakave t1_j5pix95 wrote

You guys also have decent breweries or at least I’ve had good beer when driving through. I liked that little market Harrisburg has. Lots of interesting offerings. OP mentioned pittsburgh that’s why I brought all of this up. I think we live in a beautiful state and we can certainly grow into the community if you have interest in the outdoors/music/active life.


angelinafuckingmarie t1_j5mstqj wrote

Don’t do it, I’m graduating and getting the eff out of this state.


finallyalright OP t1_j5mtudb wrote

Where do you plan on going?


angelinafuckingmarie t1_j5n11m0 wrote

Some place warm. Arizona or Nevada. I’ve lived here for 43 years and I’m beyond over it. The state just becomes more depressed as time goes on.


Patiod t1_j5zmlbd wrote

I get wanting to be warm and miss out on cold, damp winters, but I kind of like knowing that if and when the electricity goes out, my state is actually fit for human habitation, unlike AZ and NV. I've been in those states when the temp climbs well over 110 and that's a hard no from me.


tbarnett19124 t1_j5kri9b wrote

First of all look up PA worse places to live on YouTube. Ignore the color bias he has because proverty doesn't have a color just an amount. Secondly, everyone is moving to Philly, just to make it a NY🤔. Thirdly, all of these jobs are fluff jobs, the economy is horrible. So if you've done internships I would move within those companies. Good luck.


bitterbeerfaces t1_j5miipt wrote

Please move here and vote democrat!

Harrisburg and Lancaster are nice and both have Amtrak stations. Lancaster is more artistic and has more local shops. Harrisburg is the capital and is pretty nice too.

Both areas have Costco, parks, minor League baseball teams and young professional organizations. As far as stores. You can pretty much find everything. Lancaster has Park City, a very nice mall. And in the Harrisburg area you have the capital city (west shore, not technically Harrisburg, but not far).


Infamous_fire94 t1_j5kn6fw wrote

Listen don’t apply for jobs in Pennsylvania. Most jobs here will tell you no and the competition is severely fierce. I’m a recent college graduate with an associate degree and I am struggling to get a job myself. The worst part is I was born and raised in Pennsylvania.


motobudtender t1_j5kdvh8 wrote

Lol PA is an awesome state to live in… philly area is garbage but the rest of the state is BEAUTIFUL. Tons of jobs around the Pittsburgh area to be had and it’s easily one of the cleanest cities I have been to. Very low crime rate for a major city also. Anywhere I have lived I have had complaints but I always find myself back in PA.


SunstruckMorning t1_j5lq429 wrote

It depends on where you live in Philly. There are some nice areas to live in.


motobudtender t1_j5my3ag wrote

The whole city stinks. Going down to the river is disgusting. It’s not a good place to be. I get there are some nice residential areas, but it’s easily the dirtiest city that I’ve been to


SunstruckMorning t1_j5n7ki9 wrote

STFU. Philly is amazing. I’m sick of people who don’t even fucking live here shit talking my city. America wouldn’t even exist without Philly.