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Unique-Public-8594 t1_j5khxmb wrote

Oh. So the announcement isn’t that they will start educating K-12 students.

The announcement is a new teacher training (now offered to students in High school).


1989throwa t1_j5l3a05 wrote

Ah, yes. Because the problem is clearly NOT the lack of compensation, it's because we haven't found enough people to fool into working long hours for low wages yet!


Saltine_Machine t1_j5mdf50 wrote

Ah yes, instead of solving the problem of why people don't want to be teachers just lower the bar to become a teacher.


GoubD t1_j5nzfz1 wrote

"A state Department of Education committee looked at standards from similar programs in Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Florida, and several other states to come up with standards for Pennsylvania, said Lee Burket, the state’s director of career and technical education."

Looking to Texas, Tenn., Georgia and Florida for standards??? JFC.


matt_1060 t1_j5n9m11 wrote

Are you smarter that a fifth grader?


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j5npzrm wrote

Seems we used to have FTA clubs (Future Teachers of America) in HS a long time ago. Did that stop?


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j5ojol3 wrote

My sister-in-law teaches at a Coal Region school and makes ~$41k a year, and gets regularly abused by the worst people on earth who think she's an overpaid babysitter. Why would any kid in their right mind want to be a Future Teacher of America right now?


Alternative-Flan2869 t1_j5qbndd wrote

To go into teaching wide-eyed and learn how to fight back against shitty administrators and kookoo school boards.


HizDoodness t1_j5lu308 wrote

Christ. We already have enough diapers snipers in the school systems. We don't need to close up the age gap.