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NotTRYINGtobeLame OP t1_j5n4nz1 wrote

I mean, if, from your perspective, this particular example seems like a "particularly egregious and disgusting instance of the practice," can you understand that your political opposition has looked at other examples (I won't try to name a specific because then we risk getting into a pissing contest over which one is really worse from whose perspective, and I'm just talking about the concept here) and felt that some examples of the Democrat Party doing it were equally "egregious and disgusting instance[s] of the practice" from their perspective?

I think my point is ultimately about perspective. When Reddit is lighting torches and waving pitchforks about the GOP doing some ridiculous shit, some example can generally be readily provided of the other side doing ridiculous shit. But Reddit dismisses that viewpoint because they see it as something ridiculous, rather than as the viewpoint of another person.